Saturday, January 1, 2011

Time Capsule Opened

Yesterday afternoon, I was determined to find the lost time capsule. After a little bit of searching, I found it! When I looked at the carefully labeled lid I realized I was supposed to open the time capsule last New Year's Day! Ooops! I guess with all the excitement of Jennifer and Jacob's wedding and Christmas and the New Year's Eve youth dance that I was helping with, I forgot.

Well, better late than never!

Ron and I had a good laugh over some of our predictions. Some came true. Some did not.

A couple of my predictions that did come true was that I went back to college and that we paid off our mortgage. One of the predictions that did not come true was that Ron and I would travel to Israel. Oh well. Maybe this decade!

I also asked each family member to share a little bit about themselves for the time capsule on their "Who I am" paper. Jennifer's paper made me smile when she wrote as an 11 year old, "I like horses and hope to own/ride one someday." She also shared "I like playing Centipede the most (on my computer.) You have to destroy the centipede and save the world." Go, Jennifer!

In our time capsule I included the front sections of the local paper for Dec. 31, 1999 and Jan. 1, 2000. The New Year's Eve issue's headline was "Clock ticking down." It also mentioned that "Ex-Beatle stabbed by crazed intruder." The New Year's Day paper's headline read, "Jan. 1, 2000: Looks like we made it!" The whole Y2K scare was just that--a scare. Thank goodness.

My favorite part of the time capsule was the sheet of paper titled "Words of Wisdom." Here is what we wrote 11 years ago.

Emily (age 6) "Hug and kiss someone everyday."

Jennifer (age 11) "Don't ask Mom what you can do when your room is a mess." More words of wisdom: "Don't write things you don't want other people to read." A.K.A "I didn't want to keep the first message I wrote, but Mom said I couldn't cross it out."

Loralee: (age much younger than now.) "Start the day with prayer, scripture study, and exercise."

Ron: (age much younger than now.) "Buy low--sell high."

Christie (age 18) "Do what is right even when it's hard. Sometimes the right thing to do is not always the 'popular' thing to do."

Heather (age 14) "Always finish what you start."

Dear Christie, Heather, and Jennifer,

Your predictions will go into the mail next week along with your "Who I Am" papers. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.



  1. I can't wait to see them! I'm so excited!

  2. Oh yes, I remember writing those words of wisdom. I know that one of my predictions involved marriage. Did not remember the "Who I Am" part at all, though. How interesting.

  3. I can't believe you remember your words of wisdom. I sure didn't! And yes, one of your predictions did concern marriage. And becoming an aunt. I mailed them off yesterday--they should get there later this week.
