Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Little Letters

Letter writing seems to be a lost art. Most people text or e-mail today. However, here are a few letters that I would like to send:

Dear Tail-Gating Driver who is Right Behind Me,

Please back off. You are making me very nervous. I can't go any faster because there is a semi right in front of me. I've already been rear-ended three times in the past several years from drivers who are driving too close and can't stop in time.

Thank you very much.
Nervous Driver

Dear Honda Finance Department,

I have called three times to let you know that I'm not Jackie. My name's Loralee. I've had this cell phone number for over two years. Please don't call me, anymore. I don't own a Honda and I never will if you keep harassing me with two or three calls a day.

Someone who has never owned a Honda

P.S. You are also using up my precious minutes.

Dear Piano Tuner,

I am so sorry that about your bad health. I am praying that the doctors will help you feel better. I hope I see you again next year, but if I don't, thank you for all your wonderful years of service. I will miss you.

A Grateful Customer

Dear Neighbor who Lives a Couple of Blocks Over,

Thank you for the very fun Halloween decorations. I enjoyed them on my evening walk.

Someone who doesn't get into Halloween as much as you do, but I can appreciate all your hard work.


  1. Too funny! I don't like tailgaters either. Love your PS, and I hope the piano tuner recovers his health as well! (We saw the craziest Halloween-decorated house this week, with huge blow-up mummies and spiders and stuff all over the yard and roof. Rather tacky, but fun to stare at.)

  2. That's the type of house we saw as well. I think they had about four or five blow ups in their front yard and roof! Crazy fun.
