Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Poor Aching Head

Emily suffers with migraines. It has progressively gotten worse over the past year. She called me again this afternoon and asked if I would please pick her up from school. She was having a very rough day.

This is the second time this month I've picked her up from school. I'm concerned. I've taken her to the doctor a couple of times and they have challenged her to keep a "headache journal" and record what she has eaten, how much she has slept, and rate the stress she is feeling.

Has she done this?

No, she has not.

Today, when I arrived at the school, I saw a fire engine and a ambulance in the parking lot. My first thought was--Emily! I hurried to the school office where I saw a stretcher, several paramedics, and worried looking school officials. I didn't want to be a "looky-loo" but I worried, "What if it's my daughter?"

A few minutes later, I realized it wasn't. The office personnel were pretty busy and I waited a few minutes before Emily came from her classroom. As we left the school, I challenged her once again to PLEASE keep a headache journal so we could figure out what is causing the migraines. She is finally to the point where this is important to her.

When we arrived home from school, she found a "pretty flowery" notebook and started recording what she ate yesterday afternoon and evening.

One chocolate peanut cluster.
One snack sized Snicker Bar.
Microwave popcorn.
Baked Potato stuffed with cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, and bacon.
Baby carrots.
Hot Cocoa.

As she listed what she had eaten she said, "I feel fat! I didn't realize what an unhealthy diet I have!"

I reassured her that she was NOT fat.

She moaned as she remembered more non-nutritious foods she had consumed such as Jelly Bellies.

"Mom, I can't BELIEVE how horrible I eat!"

She grabbed a banana and began chewing.

"I NEED to join the Smokin' Hot Mama challenge and watch what I eat!"

"I NEED to place the Smokin' Hot Mama challenge in my binder and remind myself to only eat healthy foods!"

Tonight for dinner, Emily was very conscious about what she ate.

Pasta, chicken breast, spinach, red bell pepper, romaine lettuce, baby carrots, celery, and non-fat milk and (shudder) non-fat salad dressing, too.

What a difference 24 hours make. I told her she needs to record this in her headache journal, also. That way, if she has another migraine tomorrow, we'll be able to see if there are trigger foods.

If keeping a headache journal helps us figure out WHAT is causing the headaches so we can prevent them in the future AND helps her improve her eating habits, it's a win-win situation.

But, she told me she's not giving up her Hot Cocoa.


  1. I was thinking about doing another round of Smokin' Hot Mommas next week!

  2. Um... Mom. It was more than just one snicker bar... probably 3? All of those calorie aren't worth it!
