Thursday, January 6, 2011

Excuse Me...I Didn't Catch Your Name

Tuesday night the doorbell rang. Ron and I answered the door. There stood a nice looking older couple on our doorstep. They said, "Hi, we're here to take you to dinner!"

Wow! That's never happened before.

Unfortunately we had already eaten and Ron, Emily, and I had commitments that evening.

Emily was playing Nerf guns for Mutual. I was helping the Mia Maids with Personal Progress. Ron was going out with the missionaries. We also had three steaming hot lasagnas on our kitchen counter waiting to be transported to the church to feed the homeless at the Armory.

Ron explained all this to this very nice looking couple.

The man said, "No problem. My wife will visit your wife and we'll take the lasagnas to the church."

With that, the woman came into our house. I excused myself for a minute to make sure Emily had woken up from her short nap.

"Who is in our house?" she whispered.

"I have no idea," I whispered back.

There was a very nice looking lady sitting in my living room and I had no idea who she was!

Now, that doesn't happen every day!

I walked back into the living room and the very nice looking woman and I began making conversation. I figured out that she is a member of our ward. Good to know! I discovered that she has three adult sons. I learned that she can't wait to have grandchildren. I found out that she's lived in Morgan Hill for over 30 years and that she used to work for Kaiser.

I learned quite a bit of information about this very nice looking woman but I never learned her name.

Ron and the very nice looking man came back from delivering the lasagnas. They sat in the living room and we continued our conversation.

I learned that the man has worked in construction since he was in his early 30's. I learned that he worked for a large Utah contractor for many years before starting his own company. I learned that he never made a lot of money, but he's happy. I learned that he knows my brothers and my mother and Jack and that he was surprised to discover I was related to them.

I learned quite a bit of information about this very nice looking man but I never learned his name.

As they prepared to leave, they expressed their disappointment that we had already eaten. They were really looking forward to getting to know us better.

"We'll have to do it another time," they remarked as we said our good-byes. Ron and I said we were looking forward to it.

The door closed. They drove off.

"Who are they?" I asked Ron.

"Hmmm...I'm not sure," Ron replied.

All I can say is that we better figure out their names soon.


  1. You have the weirdest stuff happen to you! I hope you discover the identity of your mystery guests soon. They sound very nice!

  2. We finally figured out who they were. They ARE very nice and I'm looking forward to getting to know them better.
