Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Sixth

Last weekend at General Conference, Elder Richard J. Maynes of the Seventy talked about the importance of families establishing Celestial Traditions.

I like that phrase...celestial traditions. I know he was referring to such traditions as attending church together, having family home evenings, family prayer, and family scripture study, but it made me think about what OTHER kind of traditions could be considered celestial traditions.

I think many Christmas traditions can be considered Celestial traditions. I love our Bethlehem Dinners, baking cookies for friends and family, and reading the Christmas story from the scriptures.

I think our Joseph Smith Birthday celebration could be considered a celestial tradition because we are remembering the birthday of a latter-day prophet who restored the Church of Jesus Christ in these last days.

Many Easter traditions can be celestial traditions as we focus on the true meaning of the holiday.

Today, I thought of a NEW tradition to implement in our family.

April Sixth.

What's so significant about April 6th you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

Modern day prophets, including Harold B. Lee and Spencer W. Kimball have told us that April 6th was the actual day that Jesus Christ was born in that tiny town in Bethlehem. (See Ensign, July 1973, p. 2; May 1980, p. 54.)

Mary and the Christ Child.

April 6th was also the day the church was organized in a little log cabin in Fayette, New York.

Artist's rendition of organization of Church in Peter Whitmer's home.

Tonight, I will be fixing a special April 6th dinner. This year it is going to be Chicken Pot Pie. I don't know if they ATE chicken pot pie in the 1830's, but it's homey and somewhat old fashioned.

Then, I'm going to serve a yummy homemade cake. We are going to sing "Happy Birthday" two different times--one to Jesus Christ and one to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yes, that will be a mouthful to sing.

After blowing out the candles (I'll put on a few for symbolism's sake) we'll read D&C 21 which talks about the organization of the church.

I love celebrating special times with my family. Hopefully, this will become one celestial tradition that our family will carry on for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. So maybe don't read my conference traditions post. Our conference traditions are anything but Celestial!
