Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Modest is the Hottest

Emily attended "Mormon Prom" Saturday night with her good friend, Daniel. Daniel and his mother drove all the way from Stockton so they could share this special evening.

Emily had a GREAT time, but it was not an easy project getting ready for Prom. It took a small village to make sure that Emily would feel comfortable with her outfit.

We found a fairly modest dress at a store. It was on clearance so the price was right but we would need to do alterations and find a shrug.

We searched two malls and a large outlet shopping center looking for a shrug that she could wear to make the dress modest. We struck out. It was my friend Karen who found the perfect shrug for Emily.

The dress was a little large. My mother happily took in the side seams so it would fit better.

Emily wanted to shorten the dress to knee length. I wasn't comfortable doing this. Through the help of my sister-in-law Shauna and niece, Chelsie, we found someone who could not only shorten the dress but add new spaghetti straps. The ones that came with the dress were so loose that they weren't effective. The woman who altered the dress was very reasonable. I appreciated her help.

As I watched Emily head off to Prom with Daniel, her cousins, and their dates, she looked lovely. She sparkled and look self-confident and comfortable because she knows that "modest is the hottest."

Chelsie, Danny, Emily, Daniel, Stacie, and Ricardo. Don't they look great?

I thought you would enjoy this video. One young woman also found prom dress shopping a frustrating experience and decided to do something about it.

She is my new hero.


  1. I totally watched that one earlier today! So cool.

  2. Emily looks absolutely gorgeous! Love the dress she choose! :)
