Thursday, April 14, 2011

American Idol--The Final 8

Before we talk about this week, I think we need to have a moment of silence to mourn the departure of Pia. I really thought she would be in the final four. I believe everyone thought she would go further than she did. Alas, I was wrong.

On a happier note, I predicted that Stefano and Jacob would be in the bottom three. After two weeks, I am 66.66667% accurate in my bottom three predictions. Let's see how well I do this week.

Last night's theme was "Movie Songs."

Paul McDonald: "Old Time Rock and Roll" from Risky Business--Paul McDonald pulled out another rose-covered suit. He had a great time bopping all over the stage and shaking his tambourine. What made this song special however wasn't Paul's performance but the amazingly talented female saxophone player. I like Paul, but he's a better performer when he plays the guitar. It keeps him grounded and more likely to sing into the mic.

Lauren Alaina: "The Climb" from Miley Cyrus's Hannah Montana movie. This movie would not be considered GREAT by anyone but a pre-teen's standards. But, this song fit well with Lauren and what she is going through right now. She sang it with a great deal of emotion. You could tell that she REALLY connected with this song.

Stefano Langone: "End of the Road" from Boomerang. This Boyz II Men song fits Stefano's vocals beautifully. I could almost PICTURE him being in a boy band post-idol. Good job on connecting with the audience better. Perhaps he got the memo--there was much less lip licking this week. I was proud of him. I also felt sorry for him. I'm sure he felt survivor's guilt that after ending up in the bottom two last week that he was safe and beautiful, talented Pia was sent home.

Scotty McCreery: "I Cross My Heart" from Pure Country. Wow! You know how embarrassing it is to admit that I haven't seen one of these movies so far? Not even on cable. Thank goodness, I've heard of the songs. OK, back to Scotty's performance. I didn't enjoy it too much. I know, I am a Scotty fan, but he didn't wow me this time out. He's got such a female fan base that he's probably safe, but this would have to be the worse Scotty performance of the year.

Casey Abrams: "Nature Boy" from Moulin Rouge. This song was originally sung by Nat King Cole. I LOVE Nat King Cole. I also enjoyed what Casey did with this song. He jazzed up his performance with his upright bass for the second week in a row, and it worked for me. He growled, he scatted, he had a great time interacting with his back-up band and the audience. Casey also sported a much shorter beard this week. I would almost call it the Miami Vice look because it appeared that he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. I like it. One piece of advise though. Casey, if you want to keep the young girls and the grandma's voting for you, be careful when you squint your eyes. Mr. Evil starts popping back. It's not a good look.

Haley Reinhart: "Call Me" from American Gigolo. Haley, Haley, Haley. Two pieces of advise: 1. You look a lot more classy when your outfits cover you better. 2. I enjoy your vocals much more when you don't shriek and scream. CALL ME! CALL ME! CALL ME! OK, I know that these are the lyrics but you don't have to sound so desperate or angry. Perhaps this is her way of urging the American public to call her American Idol phone number.

Jacob Lusk: "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" from The Pursuit of Happiness. Jacob is an amazing vocalist. He sang this song with emotion, expression, and conviction. Steven said that he sang it like an angel. I agree. The last three notes were totally amazing!

James Durbin: "Heavy Metal" from Heavy Metal. OK, it's official. I haven't seen ONE of the movies they high-lighted tonight. And that's OK. James asked us to "give metal a chance." I gave metal a chance and...I didn't care for it. James is very talented and I'm sure he's entertaining to certain segments of the American Idol audience. I'm just not one of them. His vocals and energy will carry him through another week. I don't see him in the bottom three tonight.

So, who had the best performance? Casey, Jacob, and Lauren.

Who do I predict will be in the bottom three? Paul (because he went first), Haley, (too much screaming for my taste), and Stefano. (What a surprise.)

Who is going home? I've never gotten this right, but tonight I predict it will be Paul. Now watch, Stefano will FINALLY be leaving this week.


  1. I have a sign on my street that says vote for Stefano Langone. Have I already shared this with you? I seems like I have, but I am not quite sure. Maybe I just dreamed I did. Anyway, The house that this sign is in front of belongs to a person with the last name of Langone. I think Stefano is still here due to his family's advertising.

    So Loralee, you sound like a real reviewer. Is that because you have watched so many American Idols and listened to all those reviews from the judges, or are you secretly a professional reviewer and have kept that a secret all these years. You just keep surprising me.

    I really miss you!

  2. You never shared about your neighbor's street sign. That MUST be it! His family is a very effective advertiser.

    I've been watching American Idol since season 4. I finally decided it was time to jump in with my oh so humble opinion. I can't believe that this week I actually predicted all three bottom singers correctly. My stats have gone up

    I miss you, too!
