Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Makeover--2010 Edition

We had a lovely Thanksgiving. It wasn't what we planned on. It wasn't what we hoped for. But it ended up being a wonderful day.

We were hoping to drive to Utah. The plans were to drive part way on Tuesday and finish the drive on Wednesday. However, a major winter storm that dumped snow over the Sierra changed our plans. We were very sad and very disappointed.

After calling my sister and letting her know we weren't coming, Ron and I had the sad task of calling our Utah daughters--Christie, Heather, and Jennifer and sharing the sad news with them. They understood why we weren't coming but it didn't make it any easier.

Then I called up my Mom and spoke to Jack. "We're not going to Utah for Thanksgiving. May we spend Thanksgiving with you?"

(How's that for inviting yourself to a big event?)

"Of course!" he replied.

It's great having family.

Over 40 people showed up at the church for the annual Thanksgiving Breakfast. We enjoyed a delicious egg-bacon-hash brown breakfast casserole, sweet rolls, fruit cocktail, and orange juice. After breakfast many of the grandchildren put on a talent show. We had piano players. We had a trumpet player. We had poetry recitations. We had our annual play put on by the younger children--a play this year that featured two little girls stuck in an Alice in Wonderland scenario with fairies and other magical creatures that were trying to help them get back home.

But, one of the highlights of the talent show for ME was when my brother Daniel and Emily performed a talent together.

They twirled their hair.

Who says I don't have a talented daughter?

Or a brother who is a very good sport?

Before Thanksgiving dinner, we called the Utah family. Carol and I talked to our Utah sisters and then we talked to Christie and Tim, Heather and Dustin, Jennifer and Jacob. It was great! It was fun! It was almost like being in Utah.

Almost. But not quite.

But, even though we were apart from the Utah family, it was wonderful spending time with the California family. It was wonderful to laugh and talk and work together making a wonderful feast and then working together cleaning up the mess.

It was wonderful to visit and catch up. It was then wonderful to go home and sleep in my own bed, not worrying about how we were going to get home from Utah because another winter storm this weekend is supposed to dump even more snow.

Yes, our Thanksgiving was not what we hoped for. But, it ended up being very, very nice.

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