Saturday, November 20, 2010

Men Are That They Might Have Joy!

When Ron was told that his job was coming to an end about 1 1/2 years ago, we began attending the temple on a weekly basis. It was the highlight of our week because for a few hours we were able to forget the pressing problems that weighed so heavily upon us. "How would we meet our financial obligations? When would a new job open up?" We always felt great peace as we walked through the temple doors and were able to put our problems behind us. We also felt a tangible feeling of Heavenly Father's great love for us. No wonder we enjoyed going to the temple every week!

One particular temple session stands out from the rest. We had been attending the temple for a few months when one of the officiators said something that I will never forget. He was giving the prayer and he said, "We ask that those attending the temple will feel joy."

This was an emotion I had not felt in months! Peace, yes. Love from our Heavenly Father--yes. Joy? No. Soon after entering the Celestial Room, I sat in a comfortable arm chair and began praying once again. Praying for our family. Praying for Ron in his search for employment. Praying that I might have greater faith. Suddenly, I was filled with such an overwhelming feeling of joy--it was indescribable! I don't know if I have ever felt such great joy in my entire life. It surpassed even the feelings on my wedding day and the birth of my children. It was joy that was felt in ever fiber of my being and brought tears of gratitude to my eyes. As I soaked up those nearly forgotten feeling of joy, I thanked Heavenly Father that the prayer of a humble temple worker was answered. I felt like that particular prayer was given for me--that I could have joy even during the trials and tribulations of life. That feeling of joy stayed with me for the remainder of the day. How grateful I am for the reminder that in this life, we can have joy and experience peace, even when our lives seem to be falling apart.

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