Saturday, May 7, 2011

What does Josh Wright have to do with Super 8 Motels? UPDATED

I was in Utah a long time.

A very long time.

Ron and Emily began driving back to California Easter evening. After spending the night in a lovely motel in Winnemucca, Nevada they finished their journey the next day.

May I make a suggestion to my world-wide friends that if they EVER need to stop in Winnemucca to get much needed sleep that they avoid the Super 8 with a passion! It was the worst. night. sleep. we. ever. had.

That's what we did when we traveled to Utah. We chose this motel because it was off the freeway and we thought we would get a quiet night's sleep. But, the mattresses were squeaky and uncomfortable. Every time we rolled over we heard "squeak. squeak. squeak."

Ron even got up in the middle of the night and complained. Instead of apologizing and offering to move us to a different room, they had him fill out a form.

Nothing happened.

When he got back to California, he filled out another form on their web site.

Nothing happened except a lovely e-mail thanking him for choosing Super 8.

He complained a third time.

Nothing happened. No apology. No "we are sorry that we put your life in jeopardy because you might fall asleep at the wheel driving." Nothing.

Is that anyway to run a business?

So, on the way BACK to California, he chose a Day's Inn.

We can recommend that motel very highly.

But, back to my MAIN story.

I stayed in Utah an extra week to attend Women's Conference at BYU with my lovely sisters and my darling niece. We had a wonderful time.

Our motto is "What happens at Women's Conference, stays at Women's Conference."

But, I may share a few itsy, bitsy stories with you.

Thursday night after I arrived back from Jacob's graduation, I attended the Shadow Mountain Concert. It was EXCELLENT!

David Osmond, Hilary Weeks, and Jenny Oaks Baker were among the performers.

But my two favorite artists of the night were Josh Wright--a very gifted pianist and Vocal Point, a nine-member BYU a capella group.

If you have never heard of Josh Wright, you might enjoy this video. He's playing a very complicated Litz piece on TWO pianos. It is my new personal mission to promote my new friend Josh to my 10's of readers! Enjoy!

So, what does Super 8 have to do with Josh Wright? One was super and one was not.

UPDATE: We received our credit card bill today. Super 8 credited our account. We never received an acknowledgment of our complaint but we are very grateful they did the right thing.