Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day Ideas

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Here are some fun ideas for an enjoyable celebration:

1. Make a romantic dinner for either your significant other OR your entire family. Bring out the china, the crystal, and the fine silver. Don't own any silver? I don't either! It doesn't matter. Just set a pretty table.

2. Make a batch of red Jell-O and place it in small goblets. Fill only two-thirds full. Save some of the Jell-O. Once the Jell-O in the goblets is somewhat set, take your mixer and whip up the remaining Jell-O until foamy. Put the foam on top and refrigerate. Before serving, add a dollop of whip cream if desired.

3. Serve Martinelli's or white grape juice if you don't like the bubbles.

4. Make something with chocolate for dessert. Or head to Marie Callendar's and pick up their delicious Chocolate Satin Pie. February is PIE MONTH and you can get a whole pie for $7.99 plus the cost of fin. Mmmmm....I love chocolate satin pie.

5. Put together a little nut and candy cup for each person. Valentine M&M's makes a great start. Add a few Dove's chocolates and some Lindt Truffles. Or, buy pretty little boxes at a craft store and fill it with your candy. Your loved ones will feel so special.

6. If finances allow, buy a small gift for each person and place near their plate. It doesn't have to cost a lot--it just shows that you are thinking of them.

7. Write your loved one or each family member a love letter. Let them know how much you love them.

8. Scatter leftover school Valentine's Cards around the room. I enjoy taping them to the dining room light fixture, attaching them to the walls, and scattering them on the table along with candy conversation hearts.

The underlying message of Valentine's Day is showing others that you care for them. Here are some ideas to spread that love with others outside your family:

1. Invite someone over for dinner. You probably know someone who might be a little lonely and would appreciate a nice meal.

2. Make a candy-gram for someone you know that needs a special lift. Attach it to a large poster board. Either deliver it in person or doorbell ditch it.

3. Make heart shaped cupcakes. You don't need special pans. Once you make the batter, place the cupcake liners in the pan and take a small wad of aluminum foil and roll into a ball. Place between the liner and the pan. You now will have heart shaped cupcakes. Once baked and cooled, frost the cupcake with pink icing. Darken the icing and pipe on the outside edges of your cupcake to define the heart shape even more. Add a conversation or chocolate heart and you have a yummy treat!

4. Write an appreciation letter to someone who really made a difference in your life. I did this last year and the person who received my letter was very touched. I don't think we tell people often enough how much we value them.

Hopefully, you will find one idea that will turn this holiday into something a little more special for you, your family, and your loved ones.


  1. Aww! Cute ideas! If we weren't going out to dinner, I'd have made some nut cups...
