Wednesday, June 15, 2011

OK...That Was Scary!

The day after Emily's graduation, Ron made us a delightful breakfast of homemade whole wheat waffles AND homemade whole wheat pancakes AND reconstituted frozen orange juice.

What, it wasn't fresh squeezed?

Served with these delightful breakfast foods was maple syrup and HOMEMADE strawberry freezer jam that Ron also made. Because he is awesome like that. The Saturday we made it, I came down with a bug and in the interest of not polluting the delicious jam, we decided I should stay out of the strawberries and take a nap instead.

Which I did.

After breakfast, Jennifer spent some quality time with her high school friend Robyn and Robyn's good friend Kip. (They also joined us for breakfast.) Once Jennifer's friends left, we piled into our cars and drove to Santa Cruz to check out the Boardwalk.

Doesn't that sound like fun on a June afternoon?

Did I mention that it was raining? I heard that we received RECORD rain that day. Some areas of the Bay Area received over an inch of rain. Is that crazy, or what?

But, Dustin, our beloved son-in-law and wonderful husband to Heather and hopefully the father-to-be of future grandchildren that we will LOVE and ADORE and SPOIL rotten and then send back to their parents (no pressure Heather and Dustin--REALLY!) wanted to see the Pacific Ocean. He's from Arizona you see and he was returning to Utah the following night.

OH, Dustin had SEEN the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii, (poor thing) but he wanted to see it from the California perspective. I mean which Pacific Ocean would you rather see? The view from California on a rainy, stormy day or the view from Hawaii--a tropical paradise?

Me, too.

But, we wanted to make Dustin's dreams come true so we drove to Santa Cruz on a very rainy afternoon and brought a picnic lunch.

The drive over was somewhat scary. There is a wall that divides the highway. My family knows how I am absolutely terrified of "THE WALL" as I call it. Ron drove next to the wall until we had a scary incident and I convinced him to pull over to the slow lane and follow chugging, slow-moving semi-trucks instead.

When we arrived in Santa Cruz, the rain was more of a drizzle, but the wind was biting cold. We stood around a bench eating our picnic lunch because it was too. cold. to. sit. down. We needed to keep moving to keep our blood going.

We were having a GREAT time!

After putting the remnants of our picnic lunch back in our car, we took a long walk across the sands and watched the angry, churning, grey ocean. We watched the seagulls fighting over a fish. We walked down the Santa Cruz pier and made the acquaintances of a large group of sea lions. They began barking. Jacob, Ron, and Dustin barked back. It was quite a conversation they had and we enjoyed watching them close up--but not so close that they could actually bite.

After 10 to 15 minutes of delightfully conversing and watching the sea lions it was time to return home and so we walked another mile or so back to our cars. Emily decided to return with Heather and Dustin. Jennifer and Jacob joined us in our car.

As we got back on the highway with the scary wall, the rain picked up again. The rain was rather soothing and for a few minutes, I forgot about my dread of THE WALL and dozed off. Suddenly, I could feel our car sliding. I quickly opened my eyes and (Yes, I am admitting this in public) screamed. Ron was braking but we were coming closer and closer to the car in front of us.

THE WALL was to our left. Other cars were whizzing by on our right. I was sure we were going to hit the car in front of us as it got quickly closer and closer. Then, Ron remembered something he had been taught. When your brakes lock up, pump them gently. He did this over and over for what seemed like forever (but was only a few seconds) and we stopped within a quarter inch from the stopped car in front of us. Once it was safe, the car in front of us went into the right lane and then we saw the problem. The driver in front of them had lost control and had gone into a 180 degree spin. The front of the car was facing oncoming traffic and the woman driver was outside her car calling 911.

That didn't seem like such a safe thing to do. If we had hit the car in front of us, their car would have hit the first car and she would have been hit as well.

As safely as possible, we moved over into the right lane and there we remained--away from THE WALL until we got off that treacherous mountain highway.

Over and over I told Ron the remainder of the weekend, "Thank you for being a good driver."

Isn't he amazing? He not ONLY makes homemade whole wheat waffles AND pancakes AND strawberry freezer jam, he saved us from a possibly horrible accident (and possibly saved the life of a stranger) as well. No wonder that I love him.


  1. Scary! We hydroplaned once during a rainstorm coming back from a hike. Thankfully I got the car under control quickly. I'm glad you guys were safe! (And I love the fact that the men barked at the sea lions!)

  2. Yikes! That is absolutely terrifying. I'm practically hyperventilating for you. I too hate THE WALL and kindly insist at times that my husband move over if he can. I love Ron's homemade (carmade?) anti-lock brakes. I have actually had to do that a time or two in the rain back in the day. Scary stuff.
