Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake

Last evening I made a "Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake." The picture from the magazine looked absolutely yummy. Picture a vanilla wafer/pecan crust, a layer of melted caramels, a thick decadent layer of cream cheese that has melted semi-sweet chocolate added to the mixture, topped with more pecans and a drizzle of chocolate. Don't you want some?

The directions said it would take 15 minutes to prepare. Fifteen minutes! Those 15 minutes turned into nearly an hour. An hour of chopping pecans, unwrapping caramels, melting said caramels, softening cream cheese, melting chocolate, burning the first chocolate I melted (my new microwave is very powerful), melting more chocolate, mixing, mixing, mixing, until finally it was ready to go into the oven.

I told my family I hoped it was worth it.

Tonight, after a lovely family home evening, a discussion of the perfect nail color Emily and I needed to get next, and a rousing game of Swap, I pulled the "Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake" out of the refrigerator. Ron lovingly dished it up and then we took our first bites.

The recipe is going into the garbage. Along with the rest of the cheesecake.


  1. Ohhh Mother Dearest, I love how blunt you are. I think my favorite two lines are, "...discussion of the perfect nail color Emily and I needed to get next" and, "The recipe is going into the garbage. Along with the rest of the cheesecake."

    I suppose that's three sentences, but you get the gist! You're so blunt, I love it. But I guess what they said is right, it's very rich.. not enough chocolate for my liking I suppose, but the first few bites were good. It was made with love, and I appreciate it!


  2. I've only made cheesecake once, and it didn't turn out very well, either. I'll stick with The Cheesecake Factory. Mmm.
