Saturday, April 24, 2010


A week ago Friday started as a normal day. Changed sheets. Washed towels. Picked up the house. Worked on a Sacrament meeting talk (OK, maybe that wasn't a typical part of a normal day, thank goodness!) and took Emily to and from school. Friday evening after a delicious dinner I took Emily over to the Stone's so Emily could get a blessing. She had a sore throat and twisted her ankle. Her dad wasn't home from work and she was performing a preview of The Music Man that evening. She was worried about how she would do. Her Uncle Gary graciously gave her a blessing and then I dropped her off at the high school. I saw my Bishop in the school parking lot and we smiled and waved to each other. Than it was time to go home.

I couldn't wait to see Ron! We hadn't seen each other since Wednesday morning. As I neared my home I saw a car with a Utah license plate around the corner from where I live.

"Oh, great! It's probably a BYU student selling the Living Scriptures," I thought. I have nothing against the Living Scriptures. Or enthusiastic BYU students selling various products--aka Living Scriptures, satellite systems, or pest control. In fact in our area, these earnest young fellows are affectionately called the "Bug Boys" or the "Dish Boys" or some other term of endearment. But frankly, I'm not in the market for The Living Scriptures and I hate hurting people's feelings.

As I opened the garage door, I was somewhat disappointed to see that Ron still wasn't home from work. As I unlocked the door leading to my laundry room I noticed my alarm system wasn't set.

"That's strange," I thought. "I'm sure I set it."

As I walked down the hall I heard voices--male voices.

"That's strange," I thought. "I'm sure I didn't leave the TV on."

Instead of calling 911 like any rational person--or quickly backing out of the house, into my car, and running back to the Stone's where THEY could call 911, I kept on walking down the hall.

Female voices were now added to the male voices.

"Maybe I did leave the TV on," I thought.

As I approached the family room to turn off the TV (which really wasn't on) I saw out of the corner of my eye people--lots of people--standing around in the living room. Instead of screaming, running back down the hallway and out of the house, I took a second look.

There was Christie. And Heather. And Jennifer. And Jacob. And someone I had never seen before. It was my children! Who should have been in Utah! There was much shrieking and rejoicing and hugs. They had driven all day in order to surprise me for my birthday which was the following day. Once I hugged everyone I turned to the "stranger" and asked, "Are you Dustin?" It was! Heather had brought her "special friend" home and it was great meeting him, too.

It was the beginning of the celebration of the BEST birthday EVER!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful Best Birthday Ever!!!! It was a BBE
