Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Smokin' Hot Momma

Last week my niece sent out a challenge via Facebook and e-mail to the female family members to join her in a challenge she calls "Smokin' Hot Mommas." In her e-mail she wrote: "Feel free to join Karen, Shauna, Grandma, Jennifer, and Jacob (not so much a momma, but Jennifer thinks he is smokin hot!) in our competition, starting Monday!" How could I resist such an offer?

I opened up the two documents to find the official rules and point tracker. It's quite simple really. You earn points for all the tasks that you complete in a day. There are healthy habit tasks such as eating breakfast, drinking 64 oz. of water, scripture reading, no desserts, and cleaning your house.

There is also the fabulous fitness challenge where you get 1 point for every 30 minutes of cardio exercise you perform and another point for doing 20 minutes of strength training.

You may earn 2 points if you exercise with a buddy, 3 points for holding family home evening, and you can either earn two points (or lose two points) depending on if you lose or gain weight.


For three days I have been keeping careful track of how much water I drink, how many servings of fruits and vegetables I consume, and how many hours of sleep I get.

For three days I have been watching the clock faithfully to make sure I get the minimum amount of time exercising.

For the past three days I have watched the clock to make sure that not a bite of food passes through my lips after 7:30 pm. What will I DO when it's Sew What's New? Or Book club? Or Relief Society Meeting Night? Or ward socials when they don't start until after 7:00 pm even though the time is advertised for 6:30 pm? Because clearly, we all know how s-l- o -w- l -y I eat. I rarely complete a meal in under 30 minutes! I guess I won't get a point in that category that day.

For the past three days I have managed not to eat one sweet thing--not even a teeny, tiny chocolate chip. NOT EVEN A CHOCOLATE CHIP! (Do you think I'm getting a wee bit cranky with my lack of chocolate consumption?)

But, there are some things about this Smokin' Hot Momma challenge I really, really like! Did you know that I can get a point for 30 minutes of reading? Imagine, being REWARDED to read 30 minutes a day! And I won't even have to feel guilty about it because, HEY, I'm becoming one Smokin' Hot Momma.


  1. Way to go!!! I love hearing about how other people are doing! It is hard for me to not grab a piece of chocolate too, espeically during Easter season. I keep thinking about the point tracker on my fridge, though, and how much I want that point! Then I take a sip of water. SIGH. I feel so good about myself though!

  2. Oooh, I'll have to start a Smokin Hot Mama challenge of my own! I've been getting my 8 glasses of water in this week and I've noticed I sure spend a lot more time in the bathroom!

  3. Emily, let me know if you want me to e-mail you Heather's version. It will give you some good ideas on what to include in your challenge. Once I got over the "chocolate craving" it was really fun! And Sunday's are free day. I've already enjoyed a candy bar courtesy of a Relief Society handout.
