The past few weeks have been very busy. Busy finishing up my BYU class. Busy studying and taking a final. Busying Christmas shopping. Busy working on Jennifer's upcoming wedding. Busy running a household. Busy giving service to others. In all the busyness I almost forgot the joy and wonder of this season. Tonight, I had a chance to remember.
I hope I will always have room for the Savior in my heart and in my life. I hope I can become increasingly like Him. I hope that you have a very joyous Christmas season filled with love, peace, and wonderful memories.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Once upon a time there was a young girl who had just completed her third semester of college. She had been dating one young man steadily and then one evening, he never showed up for their date. No phone call, no explanation, no nothing. When she saw him at church the following Sunday, she asked him what happened and he hemmed and hawed and didn't make any sense. She wasn't terribly thick-headed so she knew that this relationship was over.
During the two week Christmas break, she nursed her semi-broken heart. The entire trip back to Utah she thought about the upcoming semester and planned how she would stay so busy that she would forget her "old boyfriend."
The first Friday night back, she was talking to her friend and roommate during a late night gab session. "Melinda," she said in a semi-serious voice, "I need to find a man!" They decided to attend the Saturday night Wilkinson Center dance. One of their Family Home Evening "brothers" also wanted to attend the dance so the three of them went together. They were having a good time and then this young girl saw "him." He stood out from all the rest of the young men and she hoped that he would ask her to dance. Less than a minute passed before he approached her, asked if she would like to dance and of course she said, "yes." They spent the rest of the evening together, laughing and talking. She couldn't remember ever having so much fun and feeling so comfortable with someone so quickly. He took her home, asked for her phone number and made plans for a date a few nights later.
This is how I met Ron. For my second item on my "virtual gratitude poster" I would write in large letters, Ron!
I am so grateful for his love and support. He is a wonderful husband, loving father, great provider, and terrific companion. I am so grateful that my roommate supported me in my quest to "find a man" and that we met that wonderful January evening. He has brought me great joy and happiness.
And now will you indulge me when I ask him out on a date?
Deeeeeear Ron,
How would you like to go to brunch with me Saturday morning to Mimi's Cafe? They have delicious omlettes and tasty muffins. I know it will be very, very fun!
During the two week Christmas break, she nursed her semi-broken heart. The entire trip back to Utah she thought about the upcoming semester and planned how she would stay so busy that she would forget her "old boyfriend."
The first Friday night back, she was talking to her friend and roommate during a late night gab session. "Melinda," she said in a semi-serious voice, "I need to find a man!" They decided to attend the Saturday night Wilkinson Center dance. One of their Family Home Evening "brothers" also wanted to attend the dance so the three of them went together. They were having a good time and then this young girl saw "him." He stood out from all the rest of the young men and she hoped that he would ask her to dance. Less than a minute passed before he approached her, asked if she would like to dance and of course she said, "yes." They spent the rest of the evening together, laughing and talking. She couldn't remember ever having so much fun and feeling so comfortable with someone so quickly. He took her home, asked for her phone number and made plans for a date a few nights later.
This is how I met Ron. For my second item on my "virtual gratitude poster" I would write in large letters, Ron!
I am so grateful for his love and support. He is a wonderful husband, loving father, great provider, and terrific companion. I am so grateful that my roommate supported me in my quest to "find a man" and that we met that wonderful January evening. He has brought me great joy and happiness.
And now will you indulge me when I ask him out on a date?
Deeeeeear Ron,
How would you like to go to brunch with me Saturday morning to Mimi's Cafe? They have delicious omlettes and tasty muffins. I know it will be very, very fun!
Monday, November 2, 2009
I Am Woman Part 2
This afternoon I fixed a wonderful dinner--BBQ chicken, Barbara's baked beans (delicious!), and baked potatoes. All I needed to do was add a vegetable and some fruit. I thought a jar of applesauce would be splendid. Unfortunately, I had to get a new jar out of food storage. An UNOPENED jar of applesauce.
Dinner was progressing nicely. Emily and I were enjoying our dinner when I realized that I hadn't helped myself to any of the wonderful applesauce. (It was one of my favorite foods growing up and I have to say, it is one of my favorite foods to this day.)
I tried to open the jar. I could not do it.
Emily tried to open the jar. She could not do it.
I pulled out the jar opener which usually works for me. It didn't work.
Emily tried the jar opener. It didn't work for her either.
She wailed, "I AM NOT WOMAN!"
She tried again. And again. And again.
She tried some more. I said, "Perhaps we won't be eating applesauce tonight."
After a kajillion attempts, Emily grabbed a sharp knife and began sawing off the lid. She was not to be deterred. When she was successful, she shouted in a strong, powerful voice:
(All together now): I AM WOMAN!!!!!
I then added: HERE ME ROAR!!!!
Emily roared a mighty roar. I wish you could have been here.
Once she had it opened, she was so exhausted that she didn't even want any of its lovely contents. Oh well, it will still be here tomorrow.
Dinner was progressing nicely. Emily and I were enjoying our dinner when I realized that I hadn't helped myself to any of the wonderful applesauce. (It was one of my favorite foods growing up and I have to say, it is one of my favorite foods to this day.)
I tried to open the jar. I could not do it.
Emily tried to open the jar. She could not do it.
I pulled out the jar opener which usually works for me. It didn't work.
Emily tried the jar opener. It didn't work for her either.
She wailed, "I AM NOT WOMAN!"
She tried again. And again. And again.
She tried some more. I said, "Perhaps we won't be eating applesauce tonight."
After a kajillion attempts, Emily grabbed a sharp knife and began sawing off the lid. She was not to be deterred. When she was successful, she shouted in a strong, powerful voice:
(All together now): I AM WOMAN!!!!!
I then added: HERE ME ROAR!!!!
Emily roared a mighty roar. I wish you could have been here.
Once she had it opened, she was so exhausted that she didn't even want any of its lovely contents. Oh well, it will still be here tomorrow.
I Feel My Savior's Love
One activity that our family enjoys each November is coming up with a list of our blessings. I usually have a small poster board taped to a kitchen wall and throughout the month, we list things that we are grateful for. This month, most of my blog posts will be an virtual poster board as I share the things I am grateful for.
This past year I have come to appreciate, love, and know my Savior, Jesus Christ in a greater, deeper way. As I have studied the Atonement, I realize that as He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, that He not only took on the sins of all mankind, but also our sorrows, sicknesses, and tribulations as well. When I am hurting or sick, He knows what I'm feeling and that thought brings me great comfort. Perhaps no one else knows exactly what I am going through--but my Savior does.

I also know that He knows the end from the beginning. He knows what experiences we need to reach our full potential. Sometimes these experiences are challenging and we would prefer not to go through them. But, when we look back, many times we can see how much we have grown.
Today I was reading the Church News. President Eyring recently spoke about this principle as he spoke to 77 stake in Northern Utah.
He then advised members to put the kingdom of God first in their lives and trust in the Lord for the rest, and that if they do so they will have the Lord's help while confronting life's inevitable difficulties.
I know that this is true. How grateful I am for the love of our Savior. How grateful I am for His tender mercies in my family's lives. I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I hope that I can become more like Him.
This past year I have come to appreciate, love, and know my Savior, Jesus Christ in a greater, deeper way. As I have studied the Atonement, I realize that as He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, that He not only took on the sins of all mankind, but also our sorrows, sicknesses, and tribulations as well. When I am hurting or sick, He knows what I'm feeling and that thought brings me great comfort. Perhaps no one else knows exactly what I am going through--but my Savior does.

I also know that He knows the end from the beginning. He knows what experiences we need to reach our full potential. Sometimes these experiences are challenging and we would prefer not to go through them. But, when we look back, many times we can see how much we have grown.
Today I was reading the Church News. President Eyring recently spoke about this principle as he spoke to 77 stake in Northern Utah.
"Jesus Christ reigns in the affairs of men, even though many or most people fail to recognize His hand. He does not give an assurance of all that we might want, but we have a sure way to gain His assistance even in the worst of times. The kingdom of God in the earth is His Restored Church."
He then advised members to put the kingdom of God first in their lives and trust in the Lord for the rest, and that if they do so they will have the Lord's help while confronting life's inevitable difficulties.
I know that this is true. How grateful I am for the love of our Savior. How grateful I am for His tender mercies in my family's lives. I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I hope that I can become more like Him.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Grandpa Harmon
When my children were young, I used to sing to them before naps and bedtime. My repertoire included Primary songs, "Jumbo Elephant" which my mom sang to me growing up, and a song I have never heard anywhere else--a combination of Rock-a-Bye Baby with an added verse of Hush Be Still.
When I was a little girl, my parents took me nearly every year to visit my mother's parents. They lived several hours away, so it was always a treat to see them. One of my favorite memory's of those visits was sitting in my Grandpa's lap as he sat in a large, upholstered rocker. I remember it being a dark red, but that might be my imagination playing tricks on me. He would also be holding at least one or two of my siblings at the same time.
Slowly he would rock back and forth, back and forth and begin singing Rock-a-Bye-Baby. When he got to the end of the song he would begin singing:
He would then go back to singing Rock-a-Bye-Baby. I don't know how many times I heard him sing this song, but it stuck with me.
Three days after my eleventh birthday, I was practicing the piano when the phone rang. That wasn't too unusual in our house. The phone was constantly ringing. My mother answered the phone and then came out to the living room to tell me that Grandpa Harmon had passed away. I was shocked. It was the first person I ever knew who had died. I thought of this gentle man holding two or three squirmy grandchildren in his lap at a time and softly singing. I remember sitting at the piano crying.
Ten and a half years later, I held my first daughter in my arms. One of the first songs I sang to her was Grandpa Harmon's version of Rock-a-Bye-Baby. I changed the words slightly to describe her eye color and the fact that she was a girl. I sang this song to each daughter as they joined our family, but I'm not sure if I ever told them where I had learned the song.
I'm looking forward to someday being a grandmother and holding my own squirmy grandchildren in my lap as I sit in my soft blue rocking chair. As I softly sing Hush Be Still to them, I will think back to how their great-great grandfather introduced this song to my family. Perhaps one day, they will sing it to their grandchildren as well.
When I was a little girl, my parents took me nearly every year to visit my mother's parents. They lived several hours away, so it was always a treat to see them. One of my favorite memory's of those visits was sitting in my Grandpa's lap as he sat in a large, upholstered rocker. I remember it being a dark red, but that might be my imagination playing tricks on me. He would also be holding at least one or two of my siblings at the same time.
Slowly he would rock back and forth, back and forth and begin singing Rock-a-Bye-Baby. When he got to the end of the song he would begin singing:
Hush be still,
As still as a mouse,
There's a baby in the house
Not a monkey, not a toy,
But a happy brown-eyed boy.
He would then go back to singing Rock-a-Bye-Baby. I don't know how many times I heard him sing this song, but it stuck with me.
Three days after my eleventh birthday, I was practicing the piano when the phone rang. That wasn't too unusual in our house. The phone was constantly ringing. My mother answered the phone and then came out to the living room to tell me that Grandpa Harmon had passed away. I was shocked. It was the first person I ever knew who had died. I thought of this gentle man holding two or three squirmy grandchildren in his lap at a time and softly singing. I remember sitting at the piano crying.
Ten and a half years later, I held my first daughter in my arms. One of the first songs I sang to her was Grandpa Harmon's version of Rock-a-Bye-Baby. I changed the words slightly to describe her eye color and the fact that she was a girl. I sang this song to each daughter as they joined our family, but I'm not sure if I ever told them where I had learned the song.
I'm looking forward to someday being a grandmother and holding my own squirmy grandchildren in my lap as I sit in my soft blue rocking chair. As I softly sing Hush Be Still to them, I will think back to how their great-great grandfather introduced this song to my family. Perhaps one day, they will sing it to their grandchildren as well.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Love to See the Temple
I love the Primary Hymn, "I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday. To feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray..."
Last Friday night, Ron and I went to the temple with members of our ward. We had a sealing assignment. As I listened to the promised blessings I was filled with joy and gratitude for a loving Heavenly Father who makes it possible for us to be united as families for all eternity. The sealer shared with us that approximately 50 generations separate us from Abraham. For some reason, this made Abraham seem more like a close relative like a beloved Grandpa instead of someone whose story is only found in the Bible.
The temple has always been important to me. I remember as a little girl attending the Oakland Temple Open House. I don't remember much about the event except walking up a very steep parking lot and thinking my legs would not make it.
Later, as a 12 year old, I remember the special, reverent feelings I had doing baptisms for the dead. As a Senior in High School, I had the opportunity of being on the temple ground nearly every day for a week performing in the Temple Pageant. That was a life changing event as I felt the Spirit testify to me that the things I was hearing and singing about are true.
I remember the anticipation I felt as Ron and I prepared to be married in the temple. I recall waiting with Ron in the Celestial Room for our turn to be married. I held his hand and could not believe this special day was finally here! I was filled with great joy when the sealer joined us together as husband and wife for eternity.
This past summer as Ron and I attended the temple nearly every week, it became our anchor during our uncertain time. When we became nearly consumed with stress, we knew that a visit to the temple would bring us peace and help us remember the great love our Heavenly Father has for us. We looked forward to those weekly visits because we knew that for a few hours we would find peace and comfort. We would also return home filled with strengthened faith and hope.
I recall one visit in particular when I felt such overwhelming joy! It was a feeling I had not had in a very long time. I believe it was a gift from my Heavenly Father assuring me that we were not forgotten and that we could experience joy even during the dark times.
As we were at the temple Friday night with members of our ward family, I glimpsed to a small degree what Heaven will be like. I am so grateful for temples here on the earth and for their saving ordinances.
Last Friday night, Ron and I went to the temple with members of our ward. We had a sealing assignment. As I listened to the promised blessings I was filled with joy and gratitude for a loving Heavenly Father who makes it possible for us to be united as families for all eternity. The sealer shared with us that approximately 50 generations separate us from Abraham. For some reason, this made Abraham seem more like a close relative like a beloved Grandpa instead of someone whose story is only found in the Bible.
The temple has always been important to me. I remember as a little girl attending the Oakland Temple Open House. I don't remember much about the event except walking up a very steep parking lot and thinking my legs would not make it.
Later, as a 12 year old, I remember the special, reverent feelings I had doing baptisms for the dead. As a Senior in High School, I had the opportunity of being on the temple ground nearly every day for a week performing in the Temple Pageant. That was a life changing event as I felt the Spirit testify to me that the things I was hearing and singing about are true.
I remember the anticipation I felt as Ron and I prepared to be married in the temple. I recall waiting with Ron in the Celestial Room for our turn to be married. I held his hand and could not believe this special day was finally here! I was filled with great joy when the sealer joined us together as husband and wife for eternity.
This past summer as Ron and I attended the temple nearly every week, it became our anchor during our uncertain time. When we became nearly consumed with stress, we knew that a visit to the temple would bring us peace and help us remember the great love our Heavenly Father has for us. We looked forward to those weekly visits because we knew that for a few hours we would find peace and comfort. We would also return home filled with strengthened faith and hope.
I recall one visit in particular when I felt such overwhelming joy! It was a feeling I had not had in a very long time. I believe it was a gift from my Heavenly Father assuring me that we were not forgotten and that we could experience joy even during the dark times.
As we were at the temple Friday night with members of our ward family, I glimpsed to a small degree what Heaven will be like. I am so grateful for temples here on the earth and for their saving ordinances.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My dilemma
If you were a fly on the wall of our car as Ron and I were driving to the temple Friday night, you would have overheard this conversation.
Me: Ron, I have a dilemma.
Very long pause.
Ron: So, what is your dilemma?
Me: So, you know how much I like Christmas music?
Very long pause.
Ron: Yes, I know. So, what's the problem?
Me: Well, remember how I told you that I wanted to get TWO new Christmas CD's this year? I want to get David Archuleta's Christmas CD because I really like his voice. And you know how much I LOVE Hilary Weeks. Well, she has a new Christmas CD out, too. I really want that one also.
Very long pause.
Ron: Yes, I remember that. So, what's the problem?
Me: Well, now I want THREE Christmas CD's. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has a new one out and I heard selections of it on Amazon. It's very, very good! I don't know what to do!
Very long pause.
Ron: Why don't you buy me one of those Christmas CD's. for my birthday. That will solve your problem.
Is it any reason why I don't love my husband?
Me: Ron, I have a dilemma.
Very long pause.
Ron: So, what is your dilemma?
Me: So, you know how much I like Christmas music?
Very long pause.
Ron: Yes, I know. So, what's the problem?
Me: Well, remember how I told you that I wanted to get TWO new Christmas CD's this year? I want to get David Archuleta's Christmas CD because I really like his voice. And you know how much I LOVE Hilary Weeks. Well, she has a new Christmas CD out, too. I really want that one also.
Very long pause.
Ron: Yes, I remember that. So, what's the problem?
Me: Well, now I want THREE Christmas CD's. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has a new one out and I heard selections of it on Amazon. It's very, very good! I don't know what to do!
Very long pause.
Ron: Why don't you buy me one of those Christmas CD's. for my birthday. That will solve your problem.
Is it any reason why I don't love my husband?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Halloween Bag Dinner
If you were to ask my four darling daughters what their favorite holiday traditions are, chances are that the Halloween Bag Dinner would be at the top of their lists. Many, many years ago, I wanted to encourage my children to EAT dinner before going out trick-or-treating. I knew what would happen if they didn't--they would gorge on sugar when they got home, end up with horrible "stummy-aches" and then we would ALL be miserable. Yet, for some reason, the thought of actually enjoying a healthy meal on Halloween night was nearly impossible when there was so much exciting action waiting outside.
As I thought about my not-so-serious dilemma, I decided that if I could make the Halloween dinner FUN, that perhaps they would actually eat the food, thus consuming less sugar, and alleviating the potential "stummy-ache." (Yes that is a real word in our family--a combination of stomach and tummy.) Thus, the Halloween bag dinner was born!
I decided on a menu that has twelve items--including utensils, napkins, and some type of beverage. Then I come up with Halloween names. Rolls might be called "tumbled tombstones." Baked potatoes could become "Revenge of Swamp Thing" and orange Jell-O could become "frosted pumpkin." Even the fork, knife, and spoon have new names. I typed up this Halloween menu, made enough copies for each member of the family, cut the names into slips, and then placed them in individual paper sacks. Over the next hour, each member of the family would draw three items at a time and wait to see what Black Cat's teeth really are (corn) or find out if they would be eating their first course with their hands because they didn't get a fork or a spoon (a family favorite) or if they would get dessert first! (Another family favorite.)
We always eat our Halloween bag dinner by candlelight which adds to the spooky fun. Best of all, the Halloween Bag Dinner became almost as popular as trick-or-treating. When Jennifer left home, Emily was very concerned that we would stop this tradition. I told her we weren't getting rid of it anytime soon because Ron and I enjoy it, too.
You know you have a successful family tradition when your adult children continue it. I know Christie and Tim have carried it on. Heather and Jennifer have introduced their college roommates to the messy fun. It wouldn't surprise me if those roommates don't introduce it to their OWN families someday!
As I thought about my not-so-serious dilemma, I decided that if I could make the Halloween dinner FUN, that perhaps they would actually eat the food, thus consuming less sugar, and alleviating the potential "stummy-ache." (Yes that is a real word in our family--a combination of stomach and tummy.) Thus, the Halloween bag dinner was born!
I decided on a menu that has twelve items--including utensils, napkins, and some type of beverage. Then I come up with Halloween names. Rolls might be called "tumbled tombstones." Baked potatoes could become "Revenge of Swamp Thing" and orange Jell-O could become "frosted pumpkin." Even the fork, knife, and spoon have new names. I typed up this Halloween menu, made enough copies for each member of the family, cut the names into slips, and then placed them in individual paper sacks. Over the next hour, each member of the family would draw three items at a time and wait to see what Black Cat's teeth really are (corn) or find out if they would be eating their first course with their hands because they didn't get a fork or a spoon (a family favorite) or if they would get dessert first! (Another family favorite.)
We always eat our Halloween bag dinner by candlelight which adds to the spooky fun. Best of all, the Halloween Bag Dinner became almost as popular as trick-or-treating. When Jennifer left home, Emily was very concerned that we would stop this tradition. I told her we weren't getting rid of it anytime soon because Ron and I enjoy it, too.
You know you have a successful family tradition when your adult children continue it. I know Christie and Tim have carried it on. Heather and Jennifer have introduced their college roommates to the messy fun. It wouldn't surprise me if those roommates don't introduce it to their OWN families someday!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I am Woman
Many, many moons ago when I was a teenager, Helen Reddy recorded a song that celebrated womanhood. It wasn't my favorite song, but I heard it ALL the time on the radio because it was a very big hit.
It's funny because this past week I've burst out in a exuberant voice saying "I am Woman...Hear me ROAR!!!" not once but three times. Weird.
Let me share with you my three experiences. Maybe you will agree that they were memorable and worthy of a ROAR. OK, maybe not memorable for anyone else but me.
It's funny because this past week I've burst out in a exuberant voice saying "I am Woman...Hear me ROAR!!!" not once but three times. Weird.
Let me share with you my three experiences. Maybe you will agree that they were memorable and worthy of a ROAR. OK, maybe not memorable for anyone else but me.
Shrimp Scampi
A week ago, I made Ron a brand. new. recipe. He mentioned how much he LOVES shrimp and I decided, "I'll make him a shrimp dinner." I had never made Shrimp Scampi before, but I found a recipe on All Recipes website that received rave reviews. It looked easy. One problem--I needed to buy raw shrimp. Raw shrimp that was still in its shell. I've never peeled a shrimp before but for Ron, I was willing to give it a go.
Well, can I tell you that peeling shrimp was not hard at all! I was so proud of myself for figuring it out that I said, "I am Woman...Hear me ROAR!" I think my family was a little startled by that random comment. Even better, the dinner was delicious! I am definitely making this one again!
Well, can I tell you that peeling shrimp was not hard at all! I was so proud of myself for figuring it out that I said, "I am Woman...Hear me ROAR!" I think my family was a little startled by that random comment. Even better, the dinner was delicious! I am definitely making this one again!
"Fixing the Garage Door"
OK, when I say I "fixed the garage door" I want you to know upfront that I didn't fix the springs. But I did do something for the first time.
The day of the BIG storm, I needed to pull a string to release the garage door thingy. (Obviously, I don't know what it is called.) After I did this, Emily and I were able to manually open and close the door. Well, as you may recall, the power was out for TWENTY-ONE hours (not that I was counting or anything) and Ron went back to work before putting the garage door thingy back together.
When I talked to Ron on the phone later on Wednesday, he walked me through the steps on how to reattach whatever that thing is called that I need to reattach. (I hope this makes a little sense.) When I actually did it, I was so excited that I yelled, "I am Woman...Hear me ROAR!" Emily raised her eyebrows in mild astonishment.
The day of the BIG storm, I needed to pull a string to release the garage door thingy. (Obviously, I don't know what it is called.) After I did this, Emily and I were able to manually open and close the door. Well, as you may recall, the power was out for TWENTY-ONE hours (not that I was counting or anything) and Ron went back to work before putting the garage door thingy back together.
When I talked to Ron on the phone later on Wednesday, he walked me through the steps on how to reattach whatever that thing is called that I need to reattach. (I hope this makes a little sense.) When I actually did it, I was so excited that I yelled, "I am Woman...Hear me ROAR!" Emily raised her eyebrows in mild astonishment.
Conquering the Leaf Blower
After the BIG storm, our front yard was looking very straggly. Our beautiful maple tree lost several tree branches (not too big thank goodness) and there were hundreds of leaves and maple seed pods all over the place. I thought it would be nice to get the yard cleaned up before Ron came home on Friday. I spent a long time picking up branches and raking leaves. The entire green waste container was filled with the fruits of my labor. It looked great, but the driveway was still covered in leaves and debris. I started sweeping and then I remembered the leaf blower! I have never used his mechanical piece of magic before, but I am WOMAN! It took me longer to untangle the extension cord then it did to plug it in and begin getting rid of the leaves. It was so much fun! I think I should work for a lawn service company being their expert leaf blower. After I put everything away, I walked into the house and yelled, "I am Woman...Hear me ROAR!" By this time, Emily hardly blinked an eye. Clearly, her mother had lost it.
I was hoping that Ron would teach me how to use the BBQ tonight so I could yell my favorite new phrase once again, but he had an even better idea. We went out on a date. To dinner. Perhaps next week I'll conquer the BBQ.
I was hoping that Ron would teach me how to use the BBQ tonight so I could yell my favorite new phrase once again, but he had an even better idea. We went out on a date. To dinner. Perhaps next week I'll conquer the BBQ.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Random Acts of Friendliness
A while back I read an article about a man who was concerned about the lack of social contact among many Americans. With the proliferation of social sites, texts, on-line role-playing games, and e-mails he was worried that people didn't know how to interact face-to-face any longer. He decided to do something about it.
For one month, he would greet EVERYONE he saw with a smile and a friendly greeting. He said it was very uncomfortable at first getting out of his comfort zone. But as he did this more frequently, it got easier. Not everyone was receptive to his random acts of friendliness, but most were.
I've thought about that article off and on over the past few months. I am not the most outgoing person in the world, but I decided I could at least smile at others.
After months of trying to keep a smile on my face, I decided it was time to take it to the next step--engaging in brief conversation. On Wednesday, I began phase two of my social experiment. I'm sure you are dying to find out how it went and so I am happy to satisfy your curiosity.
Now, I don't consider myself a threatening type of person. I don't have large tattoos and multiple body piercings. I don't have facial hair (thank goodness) or wear gang insignia. So, my experiment might not work well for others who, how do I put this tactfully, look a little more extreme.
On Wednesday with my hair looking much better than the day of the BIG storm, I ran several errands. At the first two stores, I kept my friendly greetings to the cashiers. I mean, they are paid to be somewhat friendly as they serve the public. At the grocery store I girded up my loins at the checkout line. I noticed the woman standing behind me only had a few items and I invited her to go before me. As she put down her four vegetables on the conveyor belt, I only recognized the tomatoes. Smiling at the woman I pointed to one of the unfamiliar vegetables and said, "I've never seen this before. What is it called?"
Her face lit up. In a heavily accented voice she told me the name of the vegetable. I couldn't understand everything she said but she explained that she put three of the vegetables with pork and made a delicious dish. She then confided that she had recently arrived from the Philippines. She told me that she was worried that she wouldn't like it in America but was happy here.
For two minutes I made a connection with someone I probably never would have met. It was fun. I'm going to keep reaching out with my own "random acts of friendliness."
For one month, he would greet EVERYONE he saw with a smile and a friendly greeting. He said it was very uncomfortable at first getting out of his comfort zone. But as he did this more frequently, it got easier. Not everyone was receptive to his random acts of friendliness, but most were.
I've thought about that article off and on over the past few months. I am not the most outgoing person in the world, but I decided I could at least smile at others.
After months of trying to keep a smile on my face, I decided it was time to take it to the next step--engaging in brief conversation. On Wednesday, I began phase two of my social experiment. I'm sure you are dying to find out how it went and so I am happy to satisfy your curiosity.
Now, I don't consider myself a threatening type of person. I don't have large tattoos and multiple body piercings. I don't have facial hair (thank goodness) or wear gang insignia. So, my experiment might not work well for others who, how do I put this tactfully, look a little more extreme.
On Wednesday with my hair looking much better than the day of the BIG storm, I ran several errands. At the first two stores, I kept my friendly greetings to the cashiers. I mean, they are paid to be somewhat friendly as they serve the public. At the grocery store I girded up my loins at the checkout line. I noticed the woman standing behind me only had a few items and I invited her to go before me. As she put down her four vegetables on the conveyor belt, I only recognized the tomatoes. Smiling at the woman I pointed to one of the unfamiliar vegetables and said, "I've never seen this before. What is it called?"
Her face lit up. In a heavily accented voice she told me the name of the vegetable. I couldn't understand everything she said but she explained that she put three of the vegetables with pork and made a delicious dish. She then confided that she had recently arrived from the Philippines. She told me that she was worried that she wouldn't like it in America but was happy here.
For two minutes I made a connection with someone I probably never would have met. It was fun. I'm going to keep reaching out with my own "random acts of friendliness."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Suviving the BIG One!
For days our weather forecasters had breathlessly reported the BIG upcoming storm.
"We have a BIG storm coming! You NEED to spend this weekend preparing for it. Clean up your yard. Make sure leaves won't clog storm drains. It's going to be BIG!"
We haven't had rain in a while so I was excited. YEAH! We have a BIG storm coming!
Monday evening I spoke to Ron and mentioned the BIG one coming. "They are talking about power outages. I really need to learn how to use the BBQ in case we don't have power." Ron reassured me it wasn't difficult.
Early Tuesday morning I could tell the BIG storm was coming. The wind was howling. The rain was falling. I felt warm and cozy in my little home.
I planned my day. Clean the house. Pay the bills. Watch the BYU devotional. Work on my Independent Study lesson. Teach a piano lesson. Run to the library and post office. Make a yummy dinner.
My plans soon changed. We lost our power at 8:15 am. Remember that time. It is important. 8:15 am. My hair was still damp.
I kept busy. I cleaned my house as well as I could in the dark. I paid the bills. I planned my weekly menus and wrote out my grocery list. The power was still out. I read my textbook. I did as much of the lesson as I could without the use of a computer. The power was still out.
I called the power company at 9:00. I called the power company at 11:00. I called the power company at noon. Still the power was out.
Library books were due. Emily and I manually opened the garage door. I bundled up against the torrential rain and gusty winds and BRAVED the elements by MYSELF! Emily refused to come with me because SHE TOO didn't have her hair done. I drove around fallen tree limbs, standing water, and other hazards. My hair looked pretty horrible so I dashed into the library, dropped off the due books, picked up the reserved book, and quickly left before I ran into anyone I knew.
My exciting moment at the library was witnessing the confrontation between two drivers. One driver had been rear-ended by another driver and the hitter would not give his ID to the hittee. (Is that even a word? Well, it is now!) I let the library security guy know that he was needed in the parking lot NOW! He was thrilled by my Good Samaritan interest.
It was now 2:30 pm. The power had been off since when? POP QUIZ everyone! That's right. 8:15 am. At 2:30 we still had NO POWER!
I canceled the piano lesson. The temperature inside our house was getting a little uncomfortable. Now what could I do? Stared outside the window. Check. Wandered around the house. Check. Foraged for non-perishable food to keep from opening the refrigerator. Check. Stared at a spider to see if it was dead. Check. Poke at the spider to see if it was REALLY dead. Check. Called the power company several more times. Check. Check. Check. Pulled out a library book to read. Check. Watched Comcast install a generator in our neighbors yard. Check. Now it was 2:45. Still no power.
I told Emily I had some OLD chocolate. She was interested. "How old?" Christmas stocking old. She whooped. She hollered. She pulled out Sequence. Whoever won the game got a piece of ancient chocolate. She won. She won again. We were bored with Sequence. It was now 3:30 pm. Still no power.
Emily said, "We need to play Life." I was not too thrilled. But, the electronic version isn't bad. In fact, I think Emily and I should play this game EVERY WEEK mainly so I can redeem myself. Yes, she beat me BAD! We played. We played some more. We played for nearly three hours. Still no power.
Ron finally came home! He brought dinner! He is my hero! I didn't have to forage for non-perishable food any longer. We ate. We talked. We cleaned up. It was time for Emily and Ron to attend their church meetings. Still no power!
I read by lantern light. I did a Sudoku puzzle by lantern light. I wandered the rapidly darkening house by lantern light. I called the power company again. Still no power.
Ron came home. Emily came home. Our good friends rescued our perishable food and stuck it in their extra refrigerator and freezer. It's finally time for bed. Still no power.
I woke up at 1:00 am. SOMETHING woke me up! My heart fluttered! Did we have power? I opened my eyes to a VERY dark house. No little green power light from the cordless phone. No flashing lights from the radio. Still no power.
Ron got up at 4:45 am to get ready for work. I groaned. Still no power. Were we doomed to go another full day without power? Half hour later the lights came on in all their glory! Twenty-one hours after the power went out the refrigerator was humming, the freezer was playing catch up, the lights were humming, the cordless phones were recharging. We rejoiced. We danced. We raced to the computer to check our e-mail.
And that is how we survived the BIG storm of 2009.
"We have a BIG storm coming! You NEED to spend this weekend preparing for it. Clean up your yard. Make sure leaves won't clog storm drains. It's going to be BIG!"
We haven't had rain in a while so I was excited. YEAH! We have a BIG storm coming!
Monday evening I spoke to Ron and mentioned the BIG one coming. "They are talking about power outages. I really need to learn how to use the BBQ in case we don't have power." Ron reassured me it wasn't difficult.
Early Tuesday morning I could tell the BIG storm was coming. The wind was howling. The rain was falling. I felt warm and cozy in my little home.
I planned my day. Clean the house. Pay the bills. Watch the BYU devotional. Work on my Independent Study lesson. Teach a piano lesson. Run to the library and post office. Make a yummy dinner.
My plans soon changed. We lost our power at 8:15 am. Remember that time. It is important. 8:15 am. My hair was still damp.
I kept busy. I cleaned my house as well as I could in the dark. I paid the bills. I planned my weekly menus and wrote out my grocery list. The power was still out. I read my textbook. I did as much of the lesson as I could without the use of a computer. The power was still out.
I called the power company at 9:00. I called the power company at 11:00. I called the power company at noon. Still the power was out.
Library books were due. Emily and I manually opened the garage door. I bundled up against the torrential rain and gusty winds and BRAVED the elements by MYSELF! Emily refused to come with me because SHE TOO didn't have her hair done. I drove around fallen tree limbs, standing water, and other hazards. My hair looked pretty horrible so I dashed into the library, dropped off the due books, picked up the reserved book, and quickly left before I ran into anyone I knew.
My exciting moment at the library was witnessing the confrontation between two drivers. One driver had been rear-ended by another driver and the hitter would not give his ID to the hittee. (Is that even a word? Well, it is now!) I let the library security guy know that he was needed in the parking lot NOW! He was thrilled by my Good Samaritan interest.
It was now 2:30 pm. The power had been off since when? POP QUIZ everyone! That's right. 8:15 am. At 2:30 we still had NO POWER!
I canceled the piano lesson. The temperature inside our house was getting a little uncomfortable. Now what could I do? Stared outside the window. Check. Wandered around the house. Check. Foraged for non-perishable food to keep from opening the refrigerator. Check. Stared at a spider to see if it was dead. Check. Poke at the spider to see if it was REALLY dead. Check. Called the power company several more times. Check. Check. Check. Pulled out a library book to read. Check. Watched Comcast install a generator in our neighbors yard. Check. Now it was 2:45. Still no power.
I told Emily I had some OLD chocolate. She was interested. "How old?" Christmas stocking old. She whooped. She hollered. She pulled out Sequence. Whoever won the game got a piece of ancient chocolate. She won. She won again. We were bored with Sequence. It was now 3:30 pm. Still no power.
Emily said, "We need to play Life." I was not too thrilled. But, the electronic version isn't bad. In fact, I think Emily and I should play this game EVERY WEEK mainly so I can redeem myself. Yes, she beat me BAD! We played. We played some more. We played for nearly three hours. Still no power.
Ron finally came home! He brought dinner! He is my hero! I didn't have to forage for non-perishable food any longer. We ate. We talked. We cleaned up. It was time for Emily and Ron to attend their church meetings. Still no power!
I read by lantern light. I did a Sudoku puzzle by lantern light. I wandered the rapidly darkening house by lantern light. I called the power company again. Still no power.
Ron came home. Emily came home. Our good friends rescued our perishable food and stuck it in their extra refrigerator and freezer. It's finally time for bed. Still no power.
I woke up at 1:00 am. SOMETHING woke me up! My heart fluttered! Did we have power? I opened my eyes to a VERY dark house. No little green power light from the cordless phone. No flashing lights from the radio. Still no power.
Ron got up at 4:45 am to get ready for work. I groaned. Still no power. Were we doomed to go another full day without power? Half hour later the lights came on in all their glory! Twenty-one hours after the power went out the refrigerator was humming, the freezer was playing catch up, the lights were humming, the cordless phones were recharging. We rejoiced. We danced. We raced to the computer to check our e-mail.
And that is how we survived the BIG storm of 2009.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Mrs. Snively
I had some wonderful teachers growing up. One of my favorites was Mrs. Snively. She was an excellent teacher who helped me develop my math and reading skills. She also taught us the importance of recycling and encouraged us to bring in our old newspapers and aluminum cans. The money our class raised through recycling these products helped build a school in Chile. Now how cool is that?
My least favorite part of her class was "clipping day." Once a week we stood in front of the class sharing a newspaper or magazine article. I was painfully shy and the thought of getting up in front of my class was mortifying. I know I always turned several shades of bright red when it was my turn. Those two minutes in front of the class seemed like two hours as I stuttered through sharing my noteworthy event.
My favorite part of class was right after lunch. Mrs. Snively would have us sit quietly at our desks and then she would pull out a book. One afternoon she pulled out a bluish-gray book. The pages were yellowing. On the front cover was the title and the silhouette of a girl carrying a magnifying glass. It didn't look terribly interesting.
Then Mrs. Snively said something that seemed quite profound. "You can't judge a book by its cover." She opened the book and began reading the first chapter of The Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion. It was my first Nancy Drew book--but it wasn't my last. I probably read every Nancy Drew book available at the time. I collected Nancy Drew books. I have 26 in my bookcase today.
As I was thinking about Mrs. Snively, I picked up an old copy of The Secret of the Old Clock from my bookcase. I'm not sure how I ended up with this book--possibly a library used book sale. Inside the cover are the names of six girls, including myself and oldest daughter who read and loved this book. I am grateful for teachers who go beyond the basics of reading, writing, and math to help us grow and develop. I'm grateful for "clipping day" which helped me overcome my fears of public speaking. I'm grateful that she taught me the importance of recycling to help our environment, the love of serving others less fortunate, and the love of old battered books.
Thanks, Mrs. Snively.
My least favorite part of her class was "clipping day." Once a week we stood in front of the class sharing a newspaper or magazine article. I was painfully shy and the thought of getting up in front of my class was mortifying. I know I always turned several shades of bright red when it was my turn. Those two minutes in front of the class seemed like two hours as I stuttered through sharing my noteworthy event.
My favorite part of class was right after lunch. Mrs. Snively would have us sit quietly at our desks and then she would pull out a book. One afternoon she pulled out a bluish-gray book. The pages were yellowing. On the front cover was the title and the silhouette of a girl carrying a magnifying glass. It didn't look terribly interesting.
Then Mrs. Snively said something that seemed quite profound. "You can't judge a book by its cover." She opened the book and began reading the first chapter of The Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion. It was my first Nancy Drew book--but it wasn't my last. I probably read every Nancy Drew book available at the time. I collected Nancy Drew books. I have 26 in my bookcase today.
As I was thinking about Mrs. Snively, I picked up an old copy of The Secret of the Old Clock from my bookcase. I'm not sure how I ended up with this book--possibly a library used book sale. Inside the cover are the names of six girls, including myself and oldest daughter who read and loved this book. I am grateful for teachers who go beyond the basics of reading, writing, and math to help us grow and develop. I'm grateful for "clipping day" which helped me overcome my fears of public speaking. I'm grateful that she taught me the importance of recycling to help our environment, the love of serving others less fortunate, and the love of old battered books.
Thanks, Mrs. Snively.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
Ron isn't home every night for dinner, so when he is, I want it to be special. Recently he told me he was in the mood for some type of Alfredo dish. I went to web site and found the following recipe. It is not healthy, but it tastes very good and great for an occasional meal. I would give it 4 1/2 stars out of 5.
This recipe takes some time to prepare and cook so it's best saved for a more leisurely evening. It makes a lot though and the leftovers are very good.
This recipe takes some time to prepare and cook so it's best saved for a more leisurely evening. It makes a lot though and the leftovers are very good.
Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Ready in 1 hour Serves 8
3 large boneless, skinless, chicken breasts, cut into cubes
6 T. butter, divided
4 cloves garlic, minced, divided
1 T. Italian seasoning
1 pound fettuccine pasta
1 onion, diced
1 (8 oz) packaged sliced mushrooms
1/3 c. all-purpose flour
1 T salt
3/4 tsp. ground white pepper
3 cups milk (I used skim to make this a little healthier.)
1 c. half-and-half
3/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
8 oz. shredded Colby-Monterey Jack cheese
3 roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 c. sour cream (I used nonfat)
1. In a large skillet over medium heat combine chicken, 2 tablespoons butter, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Cook until chicken is no longer pink inside. Remove from skillet and set aside.
5. Slowly add milk and half and half; stirring until smooth and creamy.

6. Stir in Parmesan and Colby-Monterey Jack cheeses; stir until cheese is melted.

7. Stir in chicken mixture, tomatoes, and sour cream.
Serve over hot cooked fettuccine.

3 large boneless, skinless, chicken breasts, cut into cubes
6 T. butter, divided
4 cloves garlic, minced, divided
1 T. Italian seasoning
1 pound fettuccine pasta
1 onion, diced
1 (8 oz) packaged sliced mushrooms
1/3 c. all-purpose flour
1 T salt
3/4 tsp. ground white pepper
3 cups milk (I used skim to make this a little healthier.)
1 c. half-and-half
3/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
8 oz. shredded Colby-Monterey Jack cheese
3 roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 c. sour cream (I used nonfat)
1. In a large skillet over medium heat combine chicken, 2 tablespoons butter, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Cook until chicken is no longer pink inside. Remove from skillet and set aside.

6. Stir in Parmesan and Colby-Monterey Jack cheeses; stir until cheese is melted.

7. Stir in chicken mixture, tomatoes, and sour cream.

Little Letters
Letter writing seems to be a lost art. Most people text or e-mail today. However, here are a few letters that I would like to send:
Dear Tail-Gating Driver who is Right Behind Me,
Please back off. You are making me very nervous. I can't go any faster because there is a semi right in front of me. I've already been rear-ended three times in the past several years from drivers who are driving too close and can't stop in time.
Thank you very much.
Nervous Driver
Dear Honda Finance Department,
I have called three times to let you know that I'm not Jackie. My name's Loralee. I've had this cell phone number for over two years. Please don't call me, anymore. I don't own a Honda and I never will if you keep harassing me with two or three calls a day.
Someone who has never owned a Honda
P.S. You are also using up my precious minutes.
Dear Piano Tuner,
I am so sorry that about your bad health. I am praying that the doctors will help you feel better. I hope I see you again next year, but if I don't, thank you for all your wonderful years of service. I will miss you.
A Grateful Customer
Dear Neighbor who Lives a Couple of Blocks Over,
Thank you for the very fun Halloween decorations. I enjoyed them on my evening walk.
Someone who doesn't get into Halloween as much as you do, but I can appreciate all your hard work.
Dear Tail-Gating Driver who is Right Behind Me,
Please back off. You are making me very nervous. I can't go any faster because there is a semi right in front of me. I've already been rear-ended three times in the past several years from drivers who are driving too close and can't stop in time.
Thank you very much.
Nervous Driver
Dear Honda Finance Department,
I have called three times to let you know that I'm not Jackie. My name's Loralee. I've had this cell phone number for over two years. Please don't call me, anymore. I don't own a Honda and I never will if you keep harassing me with two or three calls a day.
Someone who has never owned a Honda
P.S. You are also using up my precious minutes.
Dear Piano Tuner,
I am so sorry that about your bad health. I am praying that the doctors will help you feel better. I hope I see you again next year, but if I don't, thank you for all your wonderful years of service. I will miss you.
A Grateful Customer
Dear Neighbor who Lives a Couple of Blocks Over,
Thank you for the very fun Halloween decorations. I enjoyed them on my evening walk.
Someone who doesn't get into Halloween as much as you do, but I can appreciate all your hard work.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Reflections on Conference
The past two days has been a spiritual feast. I always feel a little sad when the closing prayer of the last session has been given. It's time to get back to real life. But, I hope that I can implement the things that have been taught.
As I reflect on the messages given, I have sensed a theme running through several of the talks-- the importance of receiving our own personal revelation and spiritual guidance. I was very touched with Elder Scott and Elder Nelson's talk about how we can receive answers to our questions and receive spiritual guidance. Both of these men suggested that we write down the impressions that we receive and then study them out and pray about them. I really liked Elder Scott's suggestion that we ask Heavenly Father, "is there more guidance I need?" Elder Nelson taught that we need to ask with "real intent" with the "intent to actually act upon the promptings." I am looking forward to studying these messages in further depth when the November Ensign arrives.
Sister Matsumori, the second counselor in the General Primary presidency also spoke about being guided by the influence of the Holy Ghost. She taught that the Spirit can guide us daily in our lives as we let virtue garnish our thoughts constantly.
Dealing with life's challenges was another theme that ran throughout conference. Elder Clayton spoke about the burdens that will be pressed upon us. Some of our burdens come from living in this world--natural disasters, illness, death. Some come from the actions of others--their bad choices can cause us sorrow and grief. And some of the burdens come because of our choices. But he taught that burdens can become blessings, although well-disguised, as we grow in faith and ability.
One of my favorite talks was given by Elder Bednar about being more diligent and concerned at home. He taught that we need to "Express our love and show it. Bear testimony and live it. Be consistent." I am determined to become more loving, to share my testimony with my family more often, and to be more consistent in family scripture study. I know that our family will be blessed.
President Eyering's talk about becoming better than we are touched me deeply. I love the children song, "I'm trying to be like Jesus." I will try to make this thought be my guiding principle in dealing with others.
Elder Holland's powerful talk on the Restoration and the Book of Mormon thrilled me. This talk stood out in Sunday's afternoon session.
May I say how much I love President Monson? The Spirit bore witness to me as he was speaking that he truly is a prophet of God. I will look for ways to serve others. Posted in my kitchen will be two of his statements from Sunday morning's session. "We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth. What have I done for someone today?" I'm planning on buying a large bag of "warm fuzzies" and it will be fun to see how full our family can fill a glass container by next General Conference as we follow our prophet and serve others.
So, which talk stood out for you?
As I reflect on the messages given, I have sensed a theme running through several of the talks-- the importance of receiving our own personal revelation and spiritual guidance. I was very touched with Elder Scott and Elder Nelson's talk about how we can receive answers to our questions and receive spiritual guidance. Both of these men suggested that we write down the impressions that we receive and then study them out and pray about them. I really liked Elder Scott's suggestion that we ask Heavenly Father, "is there more guidance I need?" Elder Nelson taught that we need to ask with "real intent" with the "intent to actually act upon the promptings." I am looking forward to studying these messages in further depth when the November Ensign arrives.
Sister Matsumori, the second counselor in the General Primary presidency also spoke about being guided by the influence of the Holy Ghost. She taught that the Spirit can guide us daily in our lives as we let virtue garnish our thoughts constantly.
Dealing with life's challenges was another theme that ran throughout conference. Elder Clayton spoke about the burdens that will be pressed upon us. Some of our burdens come from living in this world--natural disasters, illness, death. Some come from the actions of others--their bad choices can cause us sorrow and grief. And some of the burdens come because of our choices. But he taught that burdens can become blessings, although well-disguised, as we grow in faith and ability.
One of my favorite talks was given by Elder Bednar about being more diligent and concerned at home. He taught that we need to "Express our love and show it. Bear testimony and live it. Be consistent." I am determined to become more loving, to share my testimony with my family more often, and to be more consistent in family scripture study. I know that our family will be blessed.
President Eyering's talk about becoming better than we are touched me deeply. I love the children song, "I'm trying to be like Jesus." I will try to make this thought be my guiding principle in dealing with others.
Elder Holland's powerful talk on the Restoration and the Book of Mormon thrilled me. This talk stood out in Sunday's afternoon session.
May I say how much I love President Monson? The Spirit bore witness to me as he was speaking that he truly is a prophet of God. I will look for ways to serve others. Posted in my kitchen will be two of his statements from Sunday morning's session. "We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth. What have I done for someone today?" I'm planning on buying a large bag of "warm fuzzies" and it will be fun to see how full our family can fill a glass container by next General Conference as we follow our prophet and serve others.
So, which talk stood out for you?
follow the prophet,
General Conference,
Pres. Monson
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Locked Out
Do you want to hear the saddest story EVER? Well, probably not the saddest story, but one that has caused stress and inconvenience. Well sit back as I share this three part story.
Story 1
About two years ago our family thought it would be nice to go out to dinner. We had a lovely time at the restaurant. When we arrived home, Ron realized he only had the car keys. The house key was locked up safely in the house. The alarm system was set. I forgot that the garage door leading to the backyard was also on the alarm and so when I opened it to see if we could "break in" through a window, it went off. It was very loud and we could not shut it off.
Ron remembered that his sister and her husband had a spare key to our house. He drove over there to retrieve it as Emily and I walked up and down the sidewalk as we waited for him. It hurt our ears to stand out front.
Ron remembered that his sister and her husband had a spare key to our house. He drove over there to retrieve it as Emily and I walked up and down the sidewalk as we waited for him. It hurt our ears to stand out front.
Story 2
I hope you have a Kleenex for this next sad story.
Several months ago I went visiting teaching on a Sunday afternoon. Before I left I told Emily what I had planned for dinner. For the past 10 years, my daughters have made Sunday dinner because I'm not home a lot and it is great practice for them to develop their cooking skills. Ron was also gone. Emily went out to the garage to grab something from the freezer. Unfortunately, the bottom lock on the garage door was in the "locked" position and she could not get back in. As I left my last appointment, I called Emily to let her know I would be home in about 20 minutes. I thought it was strange that she didn't answer the phone. After dropping off my visiting teaching companion, I called her again. Still no answer. I was beginning to worry at this point. When I got back home, there was Emily lying in the spare truck, almost asleep. This was the second time Emily had accidentally locked herself out of the house in just a few months period of time.
I hope you have a Kleenex for this next sad story.
Several months ago I went visiting teaching on a Sunday afternoon. Before I left I told Emily what I had planned for dinner. For the past 10 years, my daughters have made Sunday dinner because I'm not home a lot and it is great practice for them to develop their cooking skills. Ron was also gone. Emily went out to the garage to grab something from the freezer. Unfortunately, the bottom lock on the garage door was in the "locked" position and she could not get back in. As I left my last appointment, I called Emily to let her know I would be home in about 20 minutes. I thought it was strange that she didn't answer the phone. After dropping off my visiting teaching companion, I called her again. Still no answer. I was beginning to worry at this point. When I got back home, there was Emily lying in the spare truck, almost asleep. This was the second time Emily had accidentally locked herself out of the house in just a few months period of time.
Story 3
This past Friday morning was my turn to take Emily and her friends from Seminary to school. Because I was going to walk with a friend after dropping them off, I grabbed my keys, my driver's license, and a light jacket. I carefully set the alarm, locked the door, got into the car, and realized that I had my church keys instead of my house and car keys. I was stuck! Ron was out-of-town. Grabbing the garage remote control, I ran the several blocks to a friends house. I knew she would be up since we were supposed to walk that morning. As I ran, I saw anther friend. I stopped long enough to ask him to call my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to meet me back at my house in about 15 minutes. I was very glad they have a spare house key so I would not be locked out all day. My walking friend graciously agreed to drive to the church, pick up the three high school girls, drive back to my house to pick up Emily's backpack that was still in the car, meet Gary who handed me the house key, and then drive the girls to high school.
As Julie was driving us all, I scribbled notes for the three girls. "Please excuse (fill in the blank) from being late. Her driver locked her house and car keys in the house." The girls got to school with a minute to spare.
How grateful I am for the three good friends who rescued me when I needed them.
Today, Ron and I got a spare house key made. Hopefully this sad story won't be repeated again.
As Julie was driving us all, I scribbled notes for the three girls. "Please excuse (fill in the blank) from being late. Her driver locked her house and car keys in the house." The girls got to school with a minute to spare.
How grateful I am for the three good friends who rescued me when I needed them.
Today, Ron and I got a spare house key made. Hopefully this sad story won't be repeated again.
The End.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Conference Weekend
I am looking forward to this coming weekend. Twice a year, we have the chance to listen to our church leaders as they speak at General Conference. I begin anticipating the event several weeks in advance. I can't wait to hear what our leaders have to say.
Last April, it seemed that many of our leaders talked about adversity. They spoke about faith and hope. They spoke about the temple. It seemed like every talk was given just for me. I soaked it in and felt reassured that everything would be OK even if my little world was in chaos.
As I listened carefully to what our church leaders had to say the quote that stood out to me six months ago was given by President Monson. During the Sunday morning session of General Conference he said,
Six months ago, Ron knew he would be unemployed soon. I remember talking to him between conference sessions wondering what our lives would be like the next General Conference. I can testify that our Prophet was inspired in his message. Our future is bright. We know that Heavenly Father is mindful of us and He hears and answers our prayers. I cannot wait to hear the messages given this weekend.
Last April, it seemed that many of our leaders talked about adversity. They spoke about faith and hope. They spoke about the temple. It seemed like every talk was given just for me. I soaked it in and felt reassured that everything would be OK even if my little world was in chaos.
As I listened carefully to what our church leaders had to say the quote that stood out to me six months ago was given by President Monson. During the Sunday morning session of General Conference he said,
"My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."This piece of advice became one of my lifelines as I tried to follow his counsel.
Six months ago, Ron knew he would be unemployed soon. I remember talking to him between conference sessions wondering what our lives would be like the next General Conference. I can testify that our Prophet was inspired in his message. Our future is bright. We know that Heavenly Father is mindful of us and He hears and answers our prayers. I cannot wait to hear the messages given this weekend.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It's Treat Day!
When Emily was young, she was very active. It wasn't unusual to find her climbing up the side of the refrigerator to see what was on top. It wasn't unusual for her to climb out of her crib when she was supposed to be taking a nap. And it wasn't unusual for her to disappear when we went shopping.
I would place her in a shopping cart, buckle her in, and she would somehow shimmy her way out. As soon as I turned away for a moment, she would escape and take off. This was not fun.
I would explain to her the importance of staying by my side. I would plead with her to stay in the cart. I would beg her not to run away. But, she did not listen.
I remember taking her to Beverly's Craft Store. Once again she escaped the confines of the shopping cart. Frantically, I looked for her everywhere. I could not find her. I reported my missing daughter to a store employee. Over the loudspeaker she announced, "We have a Code Yellow. I repeat, we have a Code Yellow. Three year old girl, blond hair, blue eyes wearing a striped shirt is missing." Less than two minutes after the announcement, I heard a burst of laughter and Emily popped up in the middle of a fabric display. She had the biggest grin on her face and she obviously was having a great time. I'm glad one of us did.
About two weeks later we were shopping at Target. I placed her in the cart, buckled her in, and was determined that this time I would not "lose" her. Less than ten minutes later I heard over the loudspeaker, "We have a Code Yellow. All available employees will monitor all exits looking for a blond, blue eyed three year old girl wearing a pink top." Yes, Emily was missing again. Shortly after the announcement, I saw her run from one clothing display to another. When I saw her duck under the clothes and hide, I knew that this was becoming a fascinating game. She thought it was great fun! I did not share her opinion.
In desperation, I told her, "Emily, if you can stay by my side and not run off, I will buy you a treat at the last store we visit." Emily liked treats. She was intrigued. At each store I would repeat my promise, "If you stay in the cart or by my side, I will buy you a treat at the last store." It worked! And thus, "treat day" was born. Some would consider buying a treat a bribe, but I like to think of it as a reward. It helped save my sanity and it prevented more embarassment. I could actually show up at a store more than once.
For nearly 13 years, Wednesday has been treat day at our house. My older daughters loved this tradition because I would buy them a treat even if they were in school. They would come bursting into the house on Wednesday afternoon loudly proclaiming, "It's treat day!" On their pillows would be a candy bar.
Emily no longer "needs" treats when we go shopping. She doesn't wander off and I haven't heard anyone call a "Code Yellow" in years. (I wonder if they still do that?) But, this is a family tradition that will last until she leaves home. And it may even continue a little longer. After all, I still make sure there is a treat waiting on the pillows on Wednesday afternoons when my older daughters are home for a visit.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Slow Cooker Lasagna
Mondays are piano lesson day at my home. I finish teaching around 5:30 pm. I don't particularly feel like fixing something elaborate that late, so frequently I will fix a slow cooker meal.
Recently I discovered a new recipe in Kraft's Food and Family magazine. Our family enjoyed it a lot and I will definitely be making this again. It may seem a little strange to have oval (or round shaped) lasagna, but don't let the shape of the dish fool you. This is a very easy and tasty recipe. I cook this recipe in a medium sized slow cooker.

Prep: 15 minutes Cook on low: 6 hours Total: 6 hours 15 minutes
Serves 8
1 lb. ground beef
1 jar (26 oz) spaghetti sauce
1 cup water
1 15 oz. container of Ricotta cheese
7 oz. Mozzarella Cheese, divided (about 3 cups)
1/4 c. grated Parmesan Cheese, divided
1 egg
2 T. chopped fresh parsley
6 lasagna noodles, uncooked
Brown meat in large skillet, drain. Stir in spaghetti sauce and water. Set aside.
Mix ricotta, 1 1/2 c. mozzarella, 2 Tbsp Parmesan, egg, and parsley.
Spoon 1 cup meat sauce into slow cooker; top with layers of half each of the noodles, broken to fit, and cheese mixture. Cover with 2 cups of the remaining meat sauce. Top with remaining noodles, broken to fit, cheese mixture and meat sauce. Cover with lid.
Cook on LOW 4 to 6 hours or until liquid is absorbed. Sprinkle with remaining cheeses, let stand covered, about 10 minutes or until melted.
NOTE: For best results, do not cook on the HIGH setting.
Recently I discovered a new recipe in Kraft's Food and Family magazine. Our family enjoyed it a lot and I will definitely be making this again. It may seem a little strange to have oval (or round shaped) lasagna, but don't let the shape of the dish fool you. This is a very easy and tasty recipe. I cook this recipe in a medium sized slow cooker.

Slow Cooker Lasagna
Prep: 15 minutes Cook on low: 6 hours Total: 6 hours 15 minutes
Serves 8
1 lb. ground beef
1 jar (26 oz) spaghetti sauce
1 cup water
1 15 oz. container of Ricotta cheese
7 oz. Mozzarella Cheese, divided (about 3 cups)
1/4 c. grated Parmesan Cheese, divided
1 egg
2 T. chopped fresh parsley
6 lasagna noodles, uncooked
Brown meat in large skillet, drain. Stir in spaghetti sauce and water. Set aside.
Mix ricotta, 1 1/2 c. mozzarella, 2 Tbsp Parmesan, egg, and parsley.
Spoon 1 cup meat sauce into slow cooker; top with layers of half each of the noodles, broken to fit, and cheese mixture. Cover with 2 cups of the remaining meat sauce. Top with remaining noodles, broken to fit, cheese mixture and meat sauce. Cover with lid.
Cook on LOW 4 to 6 hours or until liquid is absorbed. Sprinkle with remaining cheeses, let stand covered, about 10 minutes or until melted.
NOTE: For best results, do not cook on the HIGH setting.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Long Distance Wedding Planning
This evening Jennifer, Ron and I chatted on the phone. She is getting married in less than three months. We are trying to plan the details of her special day but it is complicated. Her fiance lives in Arizona. Jennifer lives in Utah. We live in California.
We caught up on her life and then began the series of questions that would help us know what had been accomplished recently. She shared her news, I shared ours. I then pulled out the wedding checklist and told her the "good news." We had accomplished nearly everything that should be done till that point in time. Then I shared the "not so good" news. She had a lot more tasks to complete in the next couple of weeks.
It's been frustrating to not be with her--helping her shop, choosing specific colors, helping with all the details. I am so grateful for wonderful sisters who have stepped in and been the surrogate moms as she looked for wedding dresses. I am grateful for her sisters who have offered her their love and support. I am grateful to her friends who run her around town since she doesn't have a car. I am grateful for my friends who have offered their assistance to help make this day memorable for one of my sweet daughters.
I know all the long distance planning will come together and I cannot wait to be there as Jacob and Jennifer are sealed for time and all eternity. This will be one of those "red letter days" that all mothers dream about for their children.
We caught up on her life and then began the series of questions that would help us know what had been accomplished recently. She shared her news, I shared ours. I then pulled out the wedding checklist and told her the "good news." We had accomplished nearly everything that should be done till that point in time. Then I shared the "not so good" news. She had a lot more tasks to complete in the next couple of weeks.
It's been frustrating to not be with her--helping her shop, choosing specific colors, helping with all the details. I am so grateful for wonderful sisters who have stepped in and been the surrogate moms as she looked for wedding dresses. I am grateful for her sisters who have offered her their love and support. I am grateful to her friends who run her around town since she doesn't have a car. I am grateful for my friends who have offered their assistance to help make this day memorable for one of my sweet daughters.
I know all the long distance planning will come together and I cannot wait to be there as Jacob and Jennifer are sealed for time and all eternity. This will be one of those "red letter days" that all mothers dream about for their children.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dating Advice
Last night I attended a Mutual activity for one of the wards in the stake. I was asked to take part on a dating panel. The young women were asked to write any question they wanted anonymously and the "expert" panel would be happy to answer them.
The questions ranged from "why can't we date until we're sixteen" to "is it OK to kiss on a first date?" One young woman wanted to know what necking meant. Another young woman wanted to know if it was OK to date nonmembers if they had good standards and values. Probably my favorite question (that I picked out of the bag so I got to answer it first) was "How do I let a boy know I like him without scaring him off?" I thought back to my teenage days so long ago. I said, "Well, I think the best thing you can do is make eye contact and smile. Then look away for a few seconds and make eye contact and smile again. It's also important to actually talk to them occasionally. If you do that, most guys will know that you are interested and you won't be so overbearing." A few of the other adults also chimed in and one of the Laurel's in attendance basically agreed with what I said.
Today I went visiting teaching. My companion has been single for ten years. Her husband passed away after complications from surgery. As I dropped her off she said, "I wouldn't mind finding a male friend but at my age it's hard. Most of the good ones are married. I would be interested in getting to know "Brother Jones" better. But I don't know how to let him know that I'm interested."
I almost laughed. Basically the same question asked in less than 24 hours by first a teenager and then a woman who has several grandchildren. "Well," I told her feeling somewhat like 'Dear Abby,' "you probably should make eye contact and smile at him. It wouldn't hurt to talk to him either..."
The questions ranged from "why can't we date until we're sixteen" to "is it OK to kiss on a first date?" One young woman wanted to know what necking meant. Another young woman wanted to know if it was OK to date nonmembers if they had good standards and values. Probably my favorite question (that I picked out of the bag so I got to answer it first) was "How do I let a boy know I like him without scaring him off?" I thought back to my teenage days so long ago. I said, "Well, I think the best thing you can do is make eye contact and smile. Then look away for a few seconds and make eye contact and smile again. It's also important to actually talk to them occasionally. If you do that, most guys will know that you are interested and you won't be so overbearing." A few of the other adults also chimed in and one of the Laurel's in attendance basically agreed with what I said.
Today I went visiting teaching. My companion has been single for ten years. Her husband passed away after complications from surgery. As I dropped her off she said, "I wouldn't mind finding a male friend but at my age it's hard. Most of the good ones are married. I would be interested in getting to know "Brother Jones" better. But I don't know how to let him know that I'm interested."
I almost laughed. Basically the same question asked in less than 24 hours by first a teenager and then a woman who has several grandchildren. "Well," I told her feeling somewhat like 'Dear Abby,' "you probably should make eye contact and smile at him. It wouldn't hurt to talk to him either..."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Grandma Harmon and the Moon
When I was a little girl we traveled to San Pedro, California nearly every year to visit my Grandpa and Grandma Harmon--my mother's parents. I always enjoyed spending time with them. There house smelled of bananas and their backyard seemed like a paradise with wooden walkways and many plants and flowers. My Grandma Harmon wasn't in the best of health, but she was always so kind. My favorite memory of her was her love of the moon.
I remember many evenings she would take my small hand and we would go outside in the backyard to look at the moon. Her love of the moon passed off on me and I always feel a small thrill whenever I view the moon. I'll frequently point out the moon to other family members. "Now look at that moon! Isn't it beautiful?" It doesn't matter what phase the moon is in, I just love looking at it and am grateful for not only this beautiful world Heavenly Father created for us, but for the heavenly bodies he placed in our sky.
A few weeks our family was returning from a boating trip on the Delta. The full moon was just rising and it was so large. I pointed it out to Emily and she began taking pictures.

The moon helps me feel connected to family members in a strange kind of way. When Ron, Christie, and I lived in Texas many years ago, I sometimes felt homesick for family back in California. As I looked at the moon in Texas I thought, "My family is able to see the same moon that I do." I know it sounds strange, but suddenly they didn't seem as far away and my homesickness lessened.
Thank you Grandma for the wonderful gift you gave me. You never knew how those quiet moments gazing at the moon would bless my life.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Juggling Act
The past couple of weeks I've been waking up very early. Four am, 4:30 am, sometimes even earlier. The sad thing is I can't fall back to sleep. I think it's because I have so many things to do right now. I feel like I'm juggling many activities--all great activities and my brain says, "Loralee, it's time to wake up! You don't have time to sleep."
Early this morning I pictured myself wearing a clown costume and juggling lots of balls.
One ball was labeled stake young women leadership meeting. That's coming up in less than a month and there is still so much to do. One ball was labeled tri-stake dance. That's in about a months time. I arranged for the DJ (thanks Brother Michael!) but that's about it. One ball is my BYU Independent Study class. I'm taking a Psychology class right now on Leadership. I'm really enjoying it, but it does take work. Another ball is Jennifer's wedding. I guess I should say, Jennifer's reception. She has the wedding part down pretty well. Getting married in the temple sure takes a lot of stress off THAT part of the day! Another ball is running the household, another one being a supportive wife as Ron transitions to long distance commuting, and of course, one of the most important balls is being the kind of Mom that Emily and the other girls need right now.
With so much going on, I'm not sure if I am doing anything well. If I drop a ball now and then, try to understand that I'm doing the best that I can. And I'll promise that I'll pick it up as soon as I can and keep on going.
Early this morning I pictured myself wearing a clown costume and juggling lots of balls.
One ball was labeled stake young women leadership meeting. That's coming up in less than a month and there is still so much to do. One ball was labeled tri-stake dance. That's in about a months time. I arranged for the DJ (thanks Brother Michael!) but that's about it. One ball is my BYU Independent Study class. I'm taking a Psychology class right now on Leadership. I'm really enjoying it, but it does take work. Another ball is Jennifer's wedding. I guess I should say, Jennifer's reception. She has the wedding part down pretty well. Getting married in the temple sure takes a lot of stress off THAT part of the day! Another ball is running the household, another one being a supportive wife as Ron transitions to long distance commuting, and of course, one of the most important balls is being the kind of Mom that Emily and the other girls need right now.
With so much going on, I'm not sure if I am doing anything well. If I drop a ball now and then, try to understand that I'm doing the best that I can. And I'll promise that I'll pick it up as soon as I can and keep on going.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
When You Least Expect It
For nearly a year, our family has been experiencing stress. Last October 2008, rumors began circulating at my husband's place of employment about pending job cuts. Ron was told that about eight jobs at his level would be eliminated. We began fasting, praying, and attending the temple, pleading to our Heavenly Father that he would be safe. We also cut back on our expenses, built up our savings and food storage and looked at each purchase very carefully. We asked, "Is this a need or a want?" If it was a need, we would get it. If it was a want, we didn't. Last Christmas there was very little under the tree compared to previous years. We could not justify spending money we might need to live on later.
Ron began searching for a new job "just in case." He had his first interview in January. The next day, one of his bosses called him into his office and told him that he knew he was concerned. "It's not you," he was told. We rejoiced. We went out to dinner for the first time in months and our prayers became ones of gratitude.
Less than six weeks later, Ron was told a different story. His job would be eliminated the end of June. There would be no severance. He could choose to be put on paid administrative leave with benefits so he could begin looking full time. He took them up on that and beginning in April, Ron only went into work once a week. Unemployment in our part of the country stood close to 15%. It was not pretty.
I had many sleepless nights. I would lay awake worrying. We turned increasingly to Heavenly Father--pleading for His help. Our daughter, Emily began praying that her dad would have a job by June 30. We fasted frequently and went to the temple nearly every week. As I began spending more time searching the scriptures and earnestly praying, my faith slowly increased. I began to pray with greater conviction, "thy will be done. I know thou knows our needs. Please help me feel of thy love." I always did.
For Mother's Day this year, Christie gave me Hilary Weeks CD, If I Only Had Today. As I listened to her music over and over in the car, one song in particular brought me hope. I had Ron and Emily listen to the lyrics and said, "This will be our song someday!"
Let me share with you part of the lyrics. The song is called, "When You Least Expect It."
I've quit counting the hours I've prayed for answers,
But I can't help wondering how long I will have to wait.
And why is Heaven silent while I'm running out of words
I keep on knocking but nobody hears me standing at the door.
Then through the shadows
Beyond the doubt
Heaven sends the answer.
I can't believe it
But I can feel it
Deep inside of my heart.
And that's when it happens
When you least expect it
And you know God has heard every prayer.
That's when it happens
Love breaks through the darkness
And Heaven surprised you
When you least expect it.
That's what happened to us. After two months of true unemployment, a surprising job offer came. Ron had interviewed with a college in July. He was told he was not a finalist the beginning of August. The job was nearly forgotten and then the end of August I received a phone call from the office of the college president. He wanted to interview Ron later that week. The interview went well but Ron was concerned that he had not answered a couple of the questions as well as he could have. Soon after returning home, he e-mailed the college president a thank you note and clarified a couple of his answers. Less than 15 minutes after sending off that e-mail, the college president called and offered him the job. Ron started the following week. Truly, Heavenly Father has heard EVERY one of our prayers. He has heard the prayers of our extended family and friends as well. We know that this is our miracle and we are very, very grateful.
Ron began searching for a new job "just in case." He had his first interview in January. The next day, one of his bosses called him into his office and told him that he knew he was concerned. "It's not you," he was told. We rejoiced. We went out to dinner for the first time in months and our prayers became ones of gratitude.
Less than six weeks later, Ron was told a different story. His job would be eliminated the end of June. There would be no severance. He could choose to be put on paid administrative leave with benefits so he could begin looking full time. He took them up on that and beginning in April, Ron only went into work once a week. Unemployment in our part of the country stood close to 15%. It was not pretty.
I had many sleepless nights. I would lay awake worrying. We turned increasingly to Heavenly Father--pleading for His help. Our daughter, Emily began praying that her dad would have a job by June 30. We fasted frequently and went to the temple nearly every week. As I began spending more time searching the scriptures and earnestly praying, my faith slowly increased. I began to pray with greater conviction, "thy will be done. I know thou knows our needs. Please help me feel of thy love." I always did.
For Mother's Day this year, Christie gave me Hilary Weeks CD, If I Only Had Today. As I listened to her music over and over in the car, one song in particular brought me hope. I had Ron and Emily listen to the lyrics and said, "This will be our song someday!"
Let me share with you part of the lyrics. The song is called, "When You Least Expect It."
I've quit counting the hours I've prayed for answers,
But I can't help wondering how long I will have to wait.
And why is Heaven silent while I'm running out of words
I keep on knocking but nobody hears me standing at the door.
Then through the shadows
Beyond the doubt
Heaven sends the answer.
I can't believe it
But I can feel it
Deep inside of my heart.
And that's when it happens
When you least expect it
And you know God has heard every prayer.
That's when it happens
Love breaks through the darkness
And Heaven surprised you
When you least expect it.
That's what happened to us. After two months of true unemployment, a surprising job offer came. Ron had interviewed with a college in July. He was told he was not a finalist the beginning of August. The job was nearly forgotten and then the end of August I received a phone call from the office of the college president. He wanted to interview Ron later that week. The interview went well but Ron was concerned that he had not answered a couple of the questions as well as he could have. Soon after returning home, he e-mailed the college president a thank you note and clarified a couple of his answers. Less than 15 minutes after sending off that e-mail, the college president called and offered him the job. Ron started the following week. Truly, Heavenly Father has heard EVERY one of our prayers. He has heard the prayers of our extended family and friends as well. We know that this is our miracle and we are very, very grateful.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Several years ago, one of my darling daughters nicknamed me "Mamoom." It became a term of endearment and reminded me of of the days when my daughters were little girls and I was there "mommy." I was the one that could kiss their boo boos better. I loved being a young mother--baking cookies, taking them on "field trips" to the library, the park, and the neighborhood pool. I absolutely loved holding them close, singing to them "Jumbo Elephant" in my not so perfect voice, reading them stacks of books, and whispering to them that I loved them and I hoped that they would always remember that they were daughters of God.
Now my darling daughters are nearly all grown. Christie has been married five years. Heather has graduated with her Master's degree. Jennifer is completing her degree and will be married soon. Only Emily is home and within a blink of an eye, she too will leave home. When I feel a little homesick for my "mommy" days, I remember that being an older mother isn't bad either. There are no diapers to change, noses to wipe, or schedules to keep straight as I shuttle four daughters to all of their activities. There are other perks as well. It's fun visiting with them on the phone and hearing about their daily activities. I love being with them, even if it's not as I often as I would like. I am amazed at the talented young women they are. They rarely call me mommy anymore, but I love being their Mamoom.
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