My mom is a hard worker.

My mom with her granddaughter, Heather. After "retiring" as a piano teacher, she still taught lessons to her local grandchildren.
When I was 15, my dad passed away. My mother was left to raise six children by herself. I was the oldest and my sister Karen was only four. My mom began teaching piano lessons to support our family. She taught about 40 lessons a week--every afternoon into the early evening and Saturday mornings. Our family became familiar with every song in the piano books she worked with--sometimes too familiar as we heard the same songs repeated week after week after week. My mom continued to faithfully serve in various church callings including teaching early morning seminary for eight years. She also returned to college in preparation to returning to full-time employment once we were raised. I knew my mom was busy, but it wasn't until I was an adult that I stood in amazement with all that she did. I don't know when she slept. She's admitted that she was tired all the time. When I sometimes feel overwhelmed with my responsibilities, I remember what my mom did and I realize that I've never been as busy as she was.
My mom is a great teacher.
One of my earliest memories was having my mom read piles of books to me. She was an elementary school teacher for a few years before I was born and took on the occasional substitute teaching job when I was little. She knew the importance of education and made sure that we took our studies seriously. I also remember the weekly family home evenings where she usually presented the lesson until we got older and began taking turns. She also spent hours preparing for lessons she taught at church--Relief Society and Primary in particular. She collected a file cabinet filled with lesson and talk resources. It was the joke among the children that when she died, we would inherit her files. Perhaps to help ensure family harmony, my mom typed her favorite quotes and stories and gave each adult family member a CD full or resources that we could use NOW on a wide variety of gospel topics. She has passed on her love of teaching to me and my siblings. It is truly one of my favorite things to do.
My mom created happy memories.

My mom spent a lot of time doing enjoyable things with us. There were trips to the library, Happy Hollow Park, and picnics. There were hours spent baking cookies, making freezer jam, and creating homemade Jack-o-lanterns to carry our trick-or-treating stash. There were our $1.00 grocery store dinners where everyone received a dollar and was asked to buy something for the dinner table that night. (We had some pretty interesting dinners.) There were sleepovers, dances in our backyard, and vacations to southern Utah and Disneyland. I tried to follow my Mom's example with my own daughters by celebrating fun family traditions and creating pleasant family memories.
My mom is a woman of faith.
As children and teenagers, we took great comfort in our mother's testimony. I echo what Helaman writes, "we did not doubt, because we knew our mother knew it." We watched her example of prayer, scripture study, and faithful church attendance. She emphasized the importance of keeping the commandments and living the gospel to the best of our ability because we did not want any empty chairs in heaven. When many people start to slow down, she served as ward and stake Relief Society president and then served a full-time mission for our church. As we face our own struggles and challenges in life, she constantly reminds us "that eternally speaking, all is well." We know that with faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ that she is right--all is well.
Mom, thanks for being such a wonderful example to your children, your sons and daughters-in-law, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We love you.
Happy Mother's Day!
Your mom IS the BOMB! I sure loved reading all of this.