About 30 minutes after the best surprise of my life, Ron came home from work. Since our young adult children were STARVING we took them to Subway where they partook from the sandwichy goodness. It was so much fun talking and catching up and getting to know Dustin. You know, I really like this guy. Good job, Heather!
Saturday morning, Christie climbed into bed with me like old times sake. We talked for quite some time and then Ron brought us both breakfast in bed--whole wheat waffles, bacon (OK, Christie did not have bacon but she COULD have), fresh strawberries and orange juice. What a treat! Ron, Jennifer, and Jacob then came in and standing in a row at the foot of the bed clasped their hands in front of them and began singing a breath-taking arrangement of "Happy Birthday." Truly indescribable. You would have to be there.
After breakfast, Gary and Vicki graciously allowed us to come over and ride their quads. Gary made a one mile track throughout his property by getting up at 6:00 am. I was touched by his sacrifice. It was the first time I had ever driven an ATV and truthfully, between you and me, I'm not very good at it. But, it was still very fun.

We then cleaned up, put on church clothes and went to the Sacramento Temple to do baptisms. My sister, Carol and her husband Dan and daughter Lauren joined us. When Ron had asked me a few weeks earlier what I wanted for my birthday, I told him I would like to go to the temple. Our ward's youth were planning on going and I couldn't imagine a better place to be with my little family. Ron knew the others were coming and called the temple to set up a family baptismal session. He then called a few good people in our stake to see if they had family names to use. He invited Dan and Carol to come, too. Can I just say again how awesome he is? The amazing thing is I had NO idea any of this was happening. We have many people who can keep a very good secret.

I absolutely loved being in the temple with my family. Ron was the recorder and Carol and I were "towel women." Dan, Jacob, and Dustin took turns baptizing different people. It was very sweet to see them exercise their priesthood. I don't think I will ever forget the tender look Jacob gave Jennifer before he began baptizing her for others.
We all went to Chile's for a late lunch. The food was great and it was fun laughing and talking. Carol interrogated Dustin during lunch. "How do you feel about changing dirty diapers?" "When your five of your six kids are acting up in Sacrament Meeting, who is going to take them out?" Dustin answered every question with flying colors. Did I mention how much I like this guy? Good job, Heather!

The rest of the day was filled with walks on the levee, Chinese food, Marie Callendar's Chocolate Satin Pie (my favorite!) and more talking. We got to bed very late. It truly was the best birthday I can remember. I think they should come and surprise me on my 100th birthday. By then I probably won't remember my 50th and it will be another great surprise!
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