The past two days has been a spiritual feast. I always feel a little sad when the closing prayer of the last session has been given. It's time to get back to real life. But, I hope that I can implement the things that have been taught.
As I reflect on the messages given, I have sensed a theme running through several of the talks-- the importance of receiving our own personal revelation and spiritual guidance. I was very touched with Elder Scott and Elder Nelson's talk about how we can receive answers to our questions and receive spiritual guidance. Both of these men suggested that we write down the impressions that we receive and then study them out and pray about them. I really liked Elder Scott's suggestion that we ask Heavenly Father, "is there more guidance I need?" Elder Nelson taught that we need to ask with "real intent" with the "intent to actually act upon the promptings." I am looking forward to studying these messages in further depth when the November Ensign arrives.
Sister Matsumori, the second counselor in the General Primary presidency also spoke about being guided by the influence of the Holy Ghost. She taught that the Spirit can guide us daily in our lives as we let virtue garnish our thoughts constantly.
Dealing with life's challenges was another theme that ran throughout conference. Elder Clayton spoke about the burdens that will be pressed upon us. Some of our burdens come from living in this world--natural disasters, illness, death. Some come from the actions of others--their bad choices can cause us sorrow and grief. And some of the burdens come because of our choices. But he taught that burdens can become blessings, although well-disguised, as we grow in faith and ability.
One of my favorite talks was given by Elder Bednar about being more diligent and concerned at home. He taught that we need to "Express our love and show it. Bear testimony and live it. Be consistent." I am determined to become more loving, to share my testimony with my family more often, and to be more consistent in family scripture study. I know that our family will be blessed.
President Eyering's talk about becoming better than we are touched me deeply. I love the children song, "I'm trying to be like Jesus." I will try to make this thought be my guiding principle in dealing with others.
Elder Holland's powerful talk on the Restoration and the Book of Mormon thrilled me. This talk stood out in Sunday's afternoon session.
May I say how much I love President Monson? The Spirit bore witness to me as he was speaking that he truly is a prophet of God. I will look for ways to serve others. Posted in my kitchen will be two of his statements from Sunday morning's session. "We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth. What have I done for someone today?" I'm planning on buying a large bag of "warm fuzzies" and it will be fun to see how full our family can fill a glass container by next General Conference as we follow our prophet and serve others.
So, which talk stood out for you?
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