Monday, November 10, 2014

My Name's J. and I Smoke Pot!

Less than two weeks before we move back to our home!  Ron and I are so excited that we're having a hard time sleeping but there is SOOOOO much to do!  
Last Friday morning, our friend Jeanette dropped off her horse trailer which can easily fit four horses and squeeze in five.  She and her husband, Mike were going to help us move the first load on Saturday afternoon!!  Well, Ron woke up Saturday morning at 2 am and was so excited about packing that he couldn't go back to sleep!  He woke ME up and then he finally got out of bed around 4 am and said, "I'm going to start working."  It was pitch dark outside!  But between the garage lights and the porch light, he had enough light to load up all the food storage, the holiday decorations, the "grandma toys" I had saved from when my children were young, the other things in the garage, PLUS most of the boxes in the house that I had packed earlier.  That horse trailer was loaded!  He worked and worked and worked and was finished before 8 am.  The problem was that four missionaries were supposed to come at 9 am and help us load the trailer.  There wasn't anything left for them to load!  When they called, Ron canceled one set of missionaries and asked the other missionaries if they could come on over and help with a couple of small projects.  They helped disassemble the can rack that held a lot of our food storage, took down Emily's and the guest room beds, and helped Ron repair the wooden steps in the backyard that had dry rot.. Then, they were on their way 30 or so minutes later.  Those missionaries and Ron know how to work! 

About 4 pm, Mike and Jeanette showed up with their large pick up truck.  Ron and Mike loaded up the disassembled can rack in the back of the pickup and then we were off to our old home!  It took about two hours to get there and it was so great seeing our house again!  The kitchen is glorious!  The master bedroom closet is bigger than I remember! I have so much storage!!!  (Can you tell that I'm excited?!) However, as we drove up and parked, we noticed that we have new neighbors.  The corner neighbors moved out and new people moved in.  They were BBQing on the driveway and despite the delicious smell of grilling meat, we could also smell through the closed truck windows the smell of marijuana. Their garage door was up and we couldn't help but notice that they have a large screen TV and a couple of couches in their garage.  It looks like that room is now the party room!  Their SUV was backed into the driveway with the windows rolled down and they were enjoying loud rap music coming from their car stereo system. As Ron and Mike unloaded the trailer, Jeanette and I wandered over to introduce ourselves.  Jeanette's whispered comment to me was, "You need to make your potential enemies your friends."  She went up and introduced herself and then I introduced myself and the man stuck out his hand and said, "My name is J. and I smoke pot." 

Really?  We couldn't tell? He explained that he wanted to make sure we knew because we would be neighbors. We found out that he and his wife work two hours away and they've lived in that house for two years.  He moved from Oakland and he's very glad to be out!  We heard dogs barking in the backyard and since Jeanette loves animals, she inquired what type of dog they own.  J. answered, "Oh, we have three pit bulls.  They are very friendly unless someone is climbing over our fence!"
No, I did not take a photo of our neighbor's dogs, but they look like the one on the right.
 I assured him that I would NOT be climbing over his fence.  I know that Ron will NOT be climbing over that fence either.  Now, I need to make sure our two sweet granddaughters also know that when  they come to visit THEY shouldn't climb over the fence.  (Although I don't think that will be an issue since they are almost two and seven months old.)  He brought the dogs out and they do seem pretty friendly.  One of the dogs is expecting puppies any day now, so now we'll have even more pit bull neighbors!   His wife and female cousin were also friendly and after we move in, I'll make some non-marijuana brownies or chocolate chip pumpkin bread and go over and deliver it.  I really hope that we can all be good neighbors--even though we don't smoke "pot." 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home?? Yikes. You are moving in much sooner than I thought. Yay! If your new neighbors give you any food items in return I think I might feed them to their dogs. (Just kidding) So happy you are coming home. Things are looking up.
