As we walked over to the picnic area another, less pleasant, memory came back.
This is where I received my first marriage proposal.
"Loralee, will you marry me?"
I had not seen this coming AT ALL! We were both 18 years old and had not dated steadily in over a year.
"What about your mission?" I stalled as I tried to think of SOMETHING diplomatic to say.
"I thought we would serve a mission together when we retired," he replied.
"Uhhhh, I always planned on marrying a returned missionary," I said. "I'm sorry, I can't marry you." (Not terribly diplomatic--but it's the best I could come up with at the time.)
The rest of our picnic was strained, to say the very least.
When I shared this memory with Emily she was appalled!
"Why would anyone propose here?" she asked. "It's so....." her voice trailed off.
"Public?" I asked. She shook her head no.
"It's so not pretty!" Clearly, she was not impressed. I thought it was a lovely spot, but everyone has their own ideas of beauty.
Ron, Emily, and I enjoyed our picnic--even if the weather was rather cold. Emily and I rocked back and forth, back and forth in rhythm trying to keep the blood flowing so we could stay warm. Once we finished our food, we went back to the car and turned on the heater full blast to warm up. There is nothing like going on a picnic in February.
Once our hands and feet didn't feel frozen, we began our hike. As we walked up the trail, another memory came back. This one was sweeter. And itchier. Ron and I took this same hike when we were engaged. Somehow I also came into contact with poison oak. I forgot the important rhyme:
Leaves of three...
Let them be.
My legs were one miserable mess. Ron got off poison oak free. As we climbed the trail, I anxiously kept a look out for more poison oak. I stayed safely away this time.

This is what we saw on our journey.

Many, many waterfalls! It was absolutely beautiful.

I think we should make the waterfall hike and freezing cold picnic an annual President's Day tradition. We had a lovely, lovely time despite some rather awkward and itchy memories.